Professional organisations

Australian Privacy Foundation

The Australian Privacy Foundation is a non-governmental organisation describing itself as the "primary association dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of Australians".The site has selected papers by the Foundation including articles, submissions and letters. These are available back to 1997 and apart from the older documents most can be viewed in full-text. Online resource guides provide access to privacy laws of Australian states and territories, to the Australian Commonwealth and to other countries.

Direct Selling Europe

Website of Direct Selling Europe an online information resource providing details of the organisation's aims and activities in the area of direct selling. European in scope, this trade association represents renowned direct selling companies and associations and is committed to promoting a legislative environment that aids the development and operations of its members. The site offers definitions of what direct selling is, and what it is not; typical companies and products in the industry and data on the numbers of people involved in direct selling.

European Advertising Standards Alliance

Website of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) a non-profit organisation based in Brussels bringing together national advertising self-regulatory organisations for the advertising industry in Europe. The organisation's membership comprises national advertising self-regulatory organisations and other associations within the industry who support self-regulation. The site includes information about self-regulation and a copy of the EASA Charter.

Independent Review Service for the Social Fund

Website of the Independent Review Service (IRS) for the Social Fund in the United Kingdom. The role of the IRS is to provide an independent review of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in Jobcentre Plus offices. The site has information on the IRS's organisational structure and business objectives and guidance on applying to the Social Fund for a community care grant, crisis loan or budgeting loan. There is also advice on applying for a review of decisions made covering community care grants, crisis loans, budgeting loans and overpayment decisions.

Industrial Law Society

Website of the Industrial Law Society (ILS) an organisation founded in 1967 and concerned with all aspects of employment law. Members include lawyers, academics, personnel practitioners and trade union officials. Profiles are given of officers and committee members of the ILS and there is a diary of events. Speeches made by guest speakers at the ILS are made freely available online in HTML format and there is a link to the ILS's journal, Industrial Law Journal which is published by Oxford University Press.

Civil Court Users Association

Web pages of the Civil Court Users Association (CCUA) which represents organisations and individuals using the Civil Courts in England and Wales. Many CCUA members form part of the credit industry in particular public utilities, banks, finance houses and law firms. The website provides background information to the CCUA including the aims and objectives of the Association. Copies of the CCUA's Memorandum and Articles of Association and a selection of FAQs are also available online. Parts of the site can be accessed by members only.

Association du Barreau Canadien - Division Québec

Website of the Quebec Division of the Association du Barreau Canadien ( representing members of the legal profession in the province of Quebec. There are sections covering the function and purpose of the Association, the work of committees covering specialist subject areas, a programme of events and a recent news section. The Association publishes a journal entitled "Point de Mire" and the current issue and back issues since June 2002 are available in full-text in PDF format.

Federal Magistrate Judges Association

Website of the Federal Magistrate Judges Association (FMJA) a membership organisation which represents US Magistrate Judges appointed to serve in the United States district courts. The site gives background information to the role of Magistrate Judges and a selection of statistics relating to their work. There is also information on becoming a law clerk, a link to the FMJA's online publication, Federal Courts Law Review and a page of external web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Honorable Society of King's Inns

The Honorable Society of King's Inns is the body which governs entry to the barristers' profession in Ireland. The site features details of the King's Inns admissions requirements and of the educational courses offered: the Diploma in Legal Studies and the Degree of Barrister-at-Law. Links are available to prominent Irish and international legal resources. A short history of the institution is included, illustrated with pictures of the architecture and profiles of famous graduates.

Solicitors for the Elderly

Solicitors for the Elderly is an association of lawyers who are committed to "providing and promoting robust, comprehensive and independent legal advice for older people, their family and carers". The website provides background information about the association including a copy of their code of practice and a guide to the specialisms held by members. These include areas such as estate planning, probate, tax planning, long-term care insurance policies, home equity release plans, mental health legislation and pensions.

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