

Gobal database of treaties, laws and regulations concerning food, agriculture and renewable natural resources, provided by the UN's Food and Agriculture OrganizatioN (FAO). Includes bibliographic information, abstracts and links to full-text documents. The site is in English, Arabic, French or Spanish and the data is in either the same languages or in the original language of the document.


Global collection of water law information maintained by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. Part of the FAOLex service, it provides national legislation from around the world, together with international agreements and information about transboundary waters. For selected jurisdictions there are also outlines of the national regulatory framework relating to water.


Cypriot law site established in 2002 and now run by the Cyprus Institute of Legal Information. The site provides all judgments of the Supreme Court (1883 onwards), together with judgments of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Administrative Court and Court of First Instance. It also makes available consolidated and original legislation, the civil procedure rules and Competition Commission decisions. There are basic and advanced search facilities and the content can also be browsed by type of document. The site is entirely in Greek.


LegalB, run by Advocate Rita Felgate, audits South African legislation against rule of law principles. The Resources section of its website provides a collection of South African legislation and an overview of the sources of South African legislation from 1652 to 1994. The site also has a blog focusing on rule of law standards.

Tongan Legislation

Current revised edition of the Laws of Tonga (primary and secondary), provided by the Attorney General's Office (AGO), together with bills, the official gazette and a collection of acts that are no longer in force, all in both English and Tongan. The website also includes a collection of cases from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Magistrates Court, Privy Council and other courts and tribunals, accompanied by a consolidated index of Tongan cases.

Laws of Kenya

The Laws of Kenya website, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting, makes available Kenyan statutes and subsidiary legislation arranged by subject, with a search facility. The site also has Kenyan case law, the Kenya Gazette and other material.

Kenya Law

Website of Kenya Law, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting. A free searchable database of cases is provided, going back to the 1970s; many cases are available in full, but for some only brief details are given. The Laws of Kenya are provided on the same website, together with other legal material, including the Kenya Gazette back to 2003, bills, cause lists from various courts, a treaty database, and a collection of articles and commentaries. The site also has information about the history of law reporting in Kenya.

Laws of Sierra Leone

Collection of Sierra Leonean legislation from 1925 onwards on Sierra Leone Web, a site founded in 1996 by journalist Peter C. Andersen. Includes the Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991 (and subsequent amending acts), other acts, ordinances, and some rules and regulations. Sierra Leone Web also provides books, reports and other documents from the eighteenth century onwards, as well as government information and material relating to the history and culture of Sierra Leone.

Bank Negara Malaysia: Legislation

This section of the Central Bank of Malaysia's website provides Malaysian banking legislation. The available legislation includes the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, the Financial Services Act 2013, the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, the Insurance Act 1996 and the Currency Act 2020. The site also provides standards and guidelines and circulars covering banking, Islamic banking, payment systems, insurance and takaful, money services business and other topics. 

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