
Manx Church Legislation

A collection of statutory materials, articles, and commentaries concerned with the ecclesiastical law of the Isle of Man. Acts and regulations of Tynwald carried by the site include: Church Legislation Procedure Act 1993, Church Representation Rules as they have effect in the Isle of Man, and the Marriage Act 1984. Further documents on the site cover issues such as: the ordination of women priests, tenure of church wardens and maintenance of church records. The documents are listed in a table with a note on content and link to full-text.

European e-Justice portal

The e-Justice portal is a one-stop shop for lawyers, businesses and members of the public concerned with cross-border legal questions in Europe. It has information about the judicial and legal systems of all member states and provides access to EU and national legislation and case law. 15 tools or dynamic functions are available, including Find a Lawyer, Find a Company, the Fundamental Rights Interactive Tool, the Competent Court Database and a training platform for lawyers and the judiciary. The site can be accessed in all the official EU languages.

Netherlands legislation

Collection of links to Dutch laws made freely available on the Lexadin website as part of their World Law Guide. Lexadin is a legal technology service based in the Netherlands. Laws are arranged by subject including constitutional, electoral, administrative, criminal, civil, company, employment, health, banking, environmental, communications and intellectual property law. There are laws covering litigation and court procedure and links to government departments and other organisations providing access to Dutch law.

Finnish aviation legislation

Official website of the Finnish Transport Safety Agency, section on aviation regulations. Features details of the aviation legislation and regulations affecting Finland(international, EU and national). Links are given to the Aviation Act(in English) and to EU webpages featuring relevant legislation.


Juridoc is the law website of New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie), a French overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean. The site is provided by the government of the territory. It includes the full text of the Journal Officiel de la Nouvelle Calédonie (JONC) from 1965 onwards, together with codes, individual laws as amended, judicial decisions and administrative decisions. There is also a page of links to other law websites based in New Caledonia, and beyond. The language of the site is French.

South African Government Information: documents

This part of the South African Government Information website provides access to government publications including legislation, policy documents and documentation provided on provincial government websites. The site offers full text legislation including a copy of the Constitution. There are government notices, documents open for public comment, annual reports of government departments and agencies and downloadable forms.

Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu

Full-text online version of the Constitution of Vanuatu, available on the PacLII website. The Constitution includes chapters dealing with state and sovereignty, fundamental rights and duties, citizenship, the role of the President, parliament and the National Council of Chiefs, justice, administration, land and emergency powers. PacLII (Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute) is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

State legislation on comprehensive health care coverage

Online guide to selected legislation in the US states of Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont which attempts to provide comprehensive health care coverage for all residents. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The introduction gives an outline of the healthcare system in the United States and of the approaches taken by Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont.


The OpenRegs.com website was created by Jerry Brito, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, to act as an alternative to the official US government's website Regulations.gov which provides information on final and proposed legislation in the US federal register. The 'unofficial site' contains additional information such as the ability to browse and register to receive updates more easily. It also offers user discussion forums and a blog which discusses regulation news. All aspects of American government legislation are covered.

Constitution of Norway

The Constitution of Norway is available in English on the website the Norwegian Parliament. The Constitution was adopted in 1814 and this version incorporates amendments up to 2016 (at the time of writing). Areas covered include the form of government and religion, the executive, legislative and judicial powers, the king and the royal family, the rights of citizens and general provisions.

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