Government bodies

Legislative Assembly of Alberta

The Legislative Assembly of Alberta is the official parliament of Alberta province of Canada, and its website provides services to the Members of the Legislative Assembly and the public. The site contains information on members and their duties, transcripts of Bills and their Amendments, Assembly documents, Alberta Hansard and Records of the House, including Standing and Special Committees. The Bills section includes copies of proposed Bills and approved Amendments.

Israel Government Portal

This is the main gateway to the websites of the government of Israel. It includes links to all the main government department websites and the Prime Minister's office. Also provided are links to recent government press releases, documents, reports and statistics; these cover economic, political, social and foreign policy, including the Middle East Peace Process, the official stance towards Palestine and the settlements in the West Bank. There are also guides to studying, working and visiting Israel, elections in Israel and Holocaust Remembrance.

Parliamentary Counsel Office

The UK Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO) is a team of lawyers based in Whitehall, London, who draft Government Bills for introduction into Parliament (except those relating only to Scotland). The site publishes an overview of the stages in the drafting of a bill and its passage through Parliament. A history of the PCO is presented, and other features of the site include an essay on legislative drafting by Geoffrey Bowman, and a set of links to parliamentary and government websites.

Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) is the official training and examining body for judges and prosecutors in France. It comes under the aegis of the French Ministry of Justice. The site publishes the texts of legislation pertaining to the setting up and administration of the Ecole. The list of initial and in-service training programmes is published, with details of the preparation and training cycles for candidates wishing to take one of the Ecole's "concours" (competitions). Bibliographies on some aspects of the judicial system are available.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Gibraltar Finance Centre

Web pages for the Gibraltar Finance Centre, established to advise on banking and business opportunities in the British Crown Colony. The site provides a commentary on Gibraltar's constitution and legal system, including brief discussion of Gibraltar's relationship with the United Kingdom, European Union and the European Economic Area. A series of notes on the Constitution, Court System, Common law and Statute law, legal profession and Financial Services Commission are also available.

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate

Web page describing the law reform initiatives of Canada's Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate (CILPD), which is responsible for reviewing Canada's business and insolvency laws, regulations and policies. The CILPD forms part of the Marketplace Framework Policy Branch of Industry Canada. The site publishes a number of consultation documents, questionnaires and background research documents on subjects such as bankruptcy and insolvency law, corporate not-for-profit law and Canada's law on cooperatives. A list of the legislation currently under review is published.

Drafting Legal Documents

A guide to legal writing, from the Office of the Federal Register, US National Archives and Records Administration. The guide is a sequence of linked topics on the basics of writing regulatory documents which include arrangement, headings, definitions, ambiguity, principles of clear writing and grammar. In addition, the site presents some links to plain language resources and a PDF copy of the Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook 1998 with amendments.

Maine State Legislature. Office of the Revisor of Statutes

The Office of the Revisor of Statutes of Maine State Legislature is responsible for the drafting and editing of legislation for the state of Maine in the United States. The Revisor's Office also maintains a database of statutes, and publishes the statutes online. This site publishes two documents: the Revisor's Report which details non-substantive changes to the database of statutes (e.g.

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