Government bodies

Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

The Grand National Assembly's website has information in English and Turkish on the law-making process in Turkey, including introduction of bills, committee deliberation, budgetary process, ratification of international treaties and publication of laws. It also provides English translations of key documents including the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye and the assembly's  Rules of Procedure. Content in Turkish only includes the verbatim report of proceedings, a legislation database and a database of assembly resolutions. 

Insolvency Service

The Insolvency Service is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Its function include the administration of the affairs of bankrupt individuals and insolvent companies, and regulation of insolvency practitioners. The Insolvency Service’s website provides guidance, consultation documents and other publications. It also makes available the Individual Insolvency Register, a directory of official receivers, a directory of insolvency practitioners and various other searchable directories.

President of the Republic of Belarus

This website is maintained by the Presidency of the Republic of Belarus. Summaries of laws are given in English with the full texts in Belarusian. Press releases, interviews, news and information are given in English along with background on the country covering the economy, civil society, history, culture and institutions of Belarus. An outline of the governmental system is provided and there are links to the websites of government ministries, regional executive committees and other agencies.

Institution of the President of the Republic of Albania

The official website of the President of Albania includes information about the role the presidency and the cabinet. It is mostly written in Albanian but some information, including news, press releases and general information about Albania, are in English. Links are provided to the websites of the main government institutions in Albania. The website is frequently updated.

Immigration Rules

Section of the Home Office website dealing with the UK’s immigration rules. Provides the current Immigration Rules and an archive of previous versions. Also makes available all the official Statements of Changes in Immigration Rules since May 2003.

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)

The OISC is an independent UK non-departmental public body, set up under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. It regulates the provision of immigration advice and other immigration services. The OISC has information about finding a regulated immigration adviser and qualifying or working as a regulated immigration adviser. It also provides guidance for those who want to complain about an adviser. OISC publications are available on the site, including guidance notes, framework documents, practice notes, position papers and annual reports.

Congreso Nacional Chile

Official site of the Congreso Nacionale Chile (Chilean National Parliament). The Parliament comprises the ‘Cámara de Senadores’ Senate (Upper House) and the ‘Cámara de Diputados’ (Chamber of Deputies). The section of the site relating to the Upper House provides background information about the structure of the Senate and about individual committees covering different subject areas and the status of bills currently in progress. Full-text access is also available to the Fundamental law of the Chilean Parliament (Ley Orgánica) and to the Chilean Constitution.

Congreso de la Nación Argentina

Site of the Argentine Congress, which consists of the “Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación” (Chamber of Deputies) and the “Honorable Cámara de Senadores” (Chamber of Senates). The site is divided into two parts, for the two Chambers but the content of the sections is similar. It provides background information about the structure and political make up and about the various Committees. It gives full-text access to a wide range of Government documents; these are mostly in Spanish, but the Constitution is available in English translation. Documents to download are in PDF format.

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