Government bodies

Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile

Library of the Congreso Nacionale Chile (Chilean National Parliament). Provides a service not only to members of Parliament but also to the wider community. Acts as an official repository for Parliamentary archives. The website provides full-text access, mainly in PDF format, to laws, codes and current and historic versions of the Constitution. Public users can search the catalogue and also browse or download documents in PDF and podcasts in MP3 format, which are designed to inform them about aspects of parliamentary procedure, including the creation of laws and popular legal issues.

Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

Site of the Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, the Bolivian national assembly (‘plurinacional’ in that it represents all the various indigenous and ethnic communities in Bolivia). Full-text access is available to recent Acts and Bills and to the Bolivian Constitution in PDF format. An outline is provided of the aims and objectives of the Assembly. A Press section, arranged by subject area, provides photos and notes concerning recent events. An additional section is concerned with transparency and public access to information and provides relevant legislation in full text.

Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau (Imprensa Oficial)

Website of the Government Printing Bureau for the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR).  The site has full text legislation and codes along with copies of the official gazette back to 1976.  Information and legislation relating to governmental organisations is also given. There are links to other government websites including the database of Macau legislation - LegisMac. The site can be viewed in Chinese and Portuguese only.

Government of Saint Lucia

The official government website of Saint Lucia provides latest news, tenders and public notices on its homepage. Government announcement, speeches and other official documents can be viewed and downloaded on the “Resources” page. The link marked “Archive” links to the old version of the Saint Lucia government website which, although no longer updated, is still live, and provides links to the constitution and selected codes and regulations, which are not yet available on the new website.

Universal Human Rights Index

Database of country-specific human rights information, provided by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, originally developed at the University of Bern. The Index brings together recommendations, reports, concluding observations from the different parts of the UN human rights protection system: the Treaty Bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China [Taiwan]

Database of Taiwanese updated legislation translated into English, provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The legislation consists of acts, regulations and directions and includes early instruments such as the Land Act of 1930 (as amended); to display the full text of an instrument, click on ‘Article Content’. Taiwanese treaties are available on this website too, from about 1950 onwards; a large proportion are in English, but many of the earlier ones (roughly 1950s to 1970s) have not been translated.

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