legal news

ALM Experts

Website of ALM Experts, a free online directory of United States experts which is published by legal journalism company American Lawyer Media. The directory contains over 15,000 experts and can be searched by name, state, company or area of expertise or browsed by state or area of expertise. Experts records vary with some having a profile, curriculum vitae, website and email address while others just have contact details. Areas of expertise are available as a PDF document and can be viewed as an alphabetical or hierarchical index.

ADLAW By Request

Website of ADLAW By Request, Reed Smith's free online advertising and marketing law E-magazine. The site features news, press releases, and feature articles in several sections including In the Courts and International. It also includes links to other Reed Smith newsletters such as Legal Bytes, a monthly publication. You will need to register to access the newsletter in PDF format, but this is free. An archive of Adlaw by Request is also available.


Website of Marketinglaw an online resource for advertising and marketing law provided by European law firm Osborne Clarke. The site has a database of resources including FAQs, checklists and precedent documents and links to other related sites on advertising and marketing law topics. An archive of monthly updates provides access to hot topics and legal news and developments dealing with advertising and marketing issues such as brands, consumer protection, privacy and regulation. Parts of the site can only be accessed if you register.


CrimeLine is an online weekly journal made freely available when you register on the website. CrimeLine is produced by Andrew Keogh of Keogh Solicitors and is intended for criminal lawyers featuring legal news, recent cases, new legislation and training. Case digests link to Casetrack providing access to full-text judgments. The site also includes a wiki covering criminal law in England and Wales. Other facilities on the site include a distance-learning CPD scheme, a help page and discussion forum.

Courthouse News Service

Website of a US online legal news service which provides "daily comprehensive reports on new appellate rulings, new legislation and new civil cases from the federal and state courts with the most prolific and weighty litigation." The service is subscription based but certain parts of the site are made freely available. Summaries of all federal appellate opinions are available with links to the full-text, summaries of new federal legislation and legal news stories produced on a daily and weekly basis.

Legal Newsletters

Website of the International Law Office in London a company providing free access to a collection of free online legal newsletters. The newsletters can be browsed by law firm name, subject and jurisdiction or searched using keywords. Subject areas include banking, information technology, intellectual property, insurance, media, litigation and white collar crime. Most sections contain an overview of the subject with updates on more specific topics. Free registration is required to access the site.

American Bankruptcy Institute

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) was established to provide analysis of bankruptcy issues for the US Congress and the public. Membership is drawn from lawyers, bankers, judges, accountants, auctioneers and other bankruptcy specialists; parts of the site are restricted to members. The ABI's activities include the provision of education and research programmes, organising conferences and producing publications. The website gives access to a selection of bankruptcy news stories, US bankruptcy legislation and links to US bankruptcy courts.

JURIST legal news and research

JURIST is a legal news site edited by Professor Bernard Hibbetts and hosted at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the United States. The site is produced by staff and students at the law school and is aimed at the legal community with emphasis given to highlighting the latest legal developments, judicial decisions and primary source materials. There are sections focusing on United States, world news and an archive of news stories going back to 2003.

Law Times

Law Times is a weekly Canadian legal newspaper published by Canada Law Book. The website publishes headline legal news stories linking to selective online copies of articles available in the print version. There is also a section of case digests appearing in the current issue of the print version. A commentary section features editorial comment and letters to the editor.

Local Government Lawyer

Website of Local Government Lawyer a UK online journal published by HB Editorial Services Ltd. Local Government Lawyer is made freely available in full text and is aimed at lawyers working for or advising local authorities. The journal features news, articles, comment and analysis on local government law. Topics covered include legal aspects of management, adult social services, children's social services, community safety, employment, housing, litigation, planning and transport. Jobs listings and details of courses and events are also given.

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