legal news

African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.


JADE (Judgments and Decisions Enhanced) is a free service produced by a group of Sydney barristers. It provides a searchable and browseable collection of Australian court and tribunal decisions and aims for comprehensive coverage of new cases. There is also a case citator called ‘CaseTrace’. Cases can be bookmarked and annotated, and RSS or email alerts are available for new cases.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded by Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in 1995. It aims to promote the causes of human rights, the rule of law, democratic institutions and Palestinian independence. The Centre’s website can be read in English or in Arabic and features press releases, reports, position papers, and statistics. This material focuses on human rights violations and the weakening of democratic institutions by Israeli Occupation Forces and also by Hamas and Fatah.

Palestinian Basic Law

This unaffiliated website was created by Norwegian journalists Erik Bolstad and Tonje Merete Viken in February 2008. The site provides English translations of past and present versions of the Basic Law and drafts that were not passed. It also links to English translations of the Elections law and Presidential decrees as well as expert opinions on issues surrounding Palestinian elections.

European Council on Refugees and Exiles

The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is an alliance of European NGOs which help refugees. Its website describes the work of the ECRE, including training courses that it runs, and lists its member organisations. An overview of the situation for refugees in the EU is also provided. The Topics pages have ECRE policy papers, articles and news items regarding access to Europe, resettlement, protection in Europe and third countries, integration and returns. There is also a weekly news bulletin, available from the home page.

Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

Bhatt Murphy is a London-based law firm specialising in the legal protection of civil liberties. Its website includes annotated timelines, with links to legislation and official publications, covering the following areas: police misconduct; tariff-setting for life prisoners; deaths in custody; immigration detention; parole hearings; and prison discipline. It also has a news page and a set of links to civil liberties websites.


Aegis campaigns against genocide and crimes against humanity. It is a registered charity in the UK and US and a registered NGO in Rwanda. The Aegis website describes its work and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications, in pdf format. It also has a News page.


Hardwicke is a London-based barristers’ chambers covering many areas of civil, family and public law. Its website has a Resources section which provides case summaries, articles, legal news and two calculation tools for lawyers: a Rent Arrears & Mesne Profits Calculator and a Simple Interest Calculator. There are also sections of the site covering Hardwicke’s work in the fields of commercial law, insurance law, public law and property and private client law.

Socialist Lawyer

The journal of the London-based Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, an association independent of any political party. The journal is available the Society’s website from issue 42 (November 2005) onwards. It covers legal developments in the UK and overseas, with a focus on civil liberties and social justice. Past issues of the journal are provided in full, in pdf format, while access to the current issue is limited to selected articles.

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