legal news


Lawbore, the legal portal of City University in London, is aimed at City law students and others looking for legal information. The site is arranged by subject and includes sections covering banking, commercial, constitutional, criminal, family, environmental, employment and human rights law. There are also sections providing access to legal gateways, research tools, careers information and specific legal documents. Each section provides background information to the subject, a selection of links to related sites and to relevant articles and legal documents.

National Health Law Program

The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) describes itself as a "national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities." The website has sections covering child health, Medicaid, Medicare, health disparities, reproductive health and rights and government accountability. The sections include links to relevant organisations, reports, decisions, news and policy documents.

Absolvitor : Scots Law Online

Absolvitor is a free Scottish law portal produced by Iain Nisbet, a partner at Govan Law Centre. The home page comprises a blog on up to date legal issues, including archive of previous posts, and links to key Scottish government and legal sites. An Articles page gives full text access to articles on a variety of legal topics specially written for the site. There is a Directory of Scottish law firms searchable by name, location or area of law, and a section aimed at law students giving links to Scottish law schools.

Criminal Law Solicitors Association

The Criminal Law Solicitors Association (CLSA) was established in 1990 to represent criminal lawyers in England and Wales. The site has legal news stories of interest to criminal practitioners and a directory of CLSA members which can be searched by postcode, name or court. There is advice for the public including what to do if you are interviewed by the police or asked to be a witness or an Appropriate Adult. A CLSA bulletin and a sentencing guidelines newsletter can be downloaded from the site. There is also a page of related web links.

Practice Source

Practice Source is an Australian legal website edited by Sean Hocking and focusing on legal publishing and legal information management. Although coverage on this site is international the emphasis is on Australian legal information. There is coverage of legal news stories and general news from a range of sources. Other sections provide links to news and blog posts dealing with knowledge management, legal publishing and marketing issues.

China Court

Online newspaper published by the Chinese Supreme People's Court and made freely available in English and Chinese. Articles are categorised by subject including 'judicial news' which covers legal news stories and judicial interpretations, 'laws and regulations' which covers new laws and changes to the law and general news stories. Articles are arranged in date order with the most recent stories listed first.


Chinalawinfo is a subscription database providing Chinese legal information and materials translated into English. The service has been developed by the Legal Information Center at the Peking University Law School. Parts of the website can be accessed freely including Basic Laws which are laws adopted by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee prior to January 1, 2006. An outline of the Chinese legal system, white papers and legal news stories are also made freely available.

Freedom of Information Center

Website of the Freedom of Information Center, an online library based at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. The Center was established in 1958 and contains over a million articles on freedom of information in the United States. The home page has links to current news stories and the FOI Advocate, an online newsletter, provides a digest of news stories with links to the full-text and online reports. The guide to media law is aimed specifically at journalists and includes links to organisations, judgements and legal research sites.

Law Society of South Africa

Website of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) the professional body representing lawyers in South Africa. The site includes contact details of constituent and council members, a calendar of events, an online copy of the Society's Constitution and information about the work of various committees and departments of the LSSA. There are links to legal news stories and to a searchable directory of lawyers. There is also a link to the Law Society's journal, De Rebus and to other South African related legal resources.


Legalbrief is an online news service provided by South African legal publisher Juta Law. The Legalbrief service is comprised of a range of newsletters with stories taken from a range of South African and international news sources. There are newsletters focusing on Africa, forensic law, environmental law, cyber law and South African legal judgements. This is essentially a subscription service but many news stories and some judgements are made freely available on the site.

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