legal links

Guide to Georgian legal research

Electronic resource guide to Georgia legal research written by Irma Aladashvili who works for the State Fund for Protection and Assistance of (Statutory) Victims of Human Trafficking in Tbilisi, Georgia, Anna V. Dolidze who is a Candidate for Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) at Cornell Law School and Nana Patsia who is Coordinator of the Law Library at the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association.

Family Justice Council

The Family Justice Council (FJC) was set up by the Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) following the consultation paper, 'Promoting inter-agency working in the family justice system' published in 2002. The purpose of the FJC is to "promote an inter-disciplinary approach to the needs of family justice" and their work includes identifying best practice in the family justice system and consulting with government departments on current policy. Background information on the FJC including their activities and terms of reference is given on the site.

Singapore Academy of Law

The Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) is a membership organisation for the legal profession in Singapore. Its website has historical, financial, and corporate information about SAL, along with news updates, membership details and a directory of senior counsel in Singapore. The Digital Library provides full access to Law Reform Committee Publications and LawNet Papers, as well as access to selected articles from the SAL Journal, the Inter Se journal and the Asian Journal on Mediation. A number of SAL speeches and lectures are available as well.

New York State Law Revision Commission

Website of the New York State Law Revision Commission whose role is to examine defects and anachronisms in state law and make recommendations for reform. The site has information on the purpose and organisation of the Commission and profiles of Commission members. Recent Commission meeting notices as well as studies and reports are made freely available on the site in PDF format. A few webcasts of reports and meetings concerning the Commission's Alcoholic Beverage Control Law study are also available through Windows Media, Adobe Flash, or low speed video.

International Portal of the University of Alicante on Intellectual Property and Information Society

This website is produced by the Law Faculty of the University of Alicante in Spain. It covers industrial and intellectual property law and the information society and is aimed at researchers, students, and professionals. The site provides a database of national, international and European Union legislation (in the original language) and a set of links to other relevant websites.

Key Internet Links on Australian Law

Website listing Australian legal resources compiled by the Parliamentary Library at the Parliament of Australia. The links to Australian law and justice resources are provided by government and selected non-government organisations. Records are organised by resource type and organisation eg. legislation, law reports, legal research and key national and state bodies. Entries give the title and brief description of the resource and a note of the jurisdiction. T

Village de la Justice: le Carrefour des Juristes sur Internet

The "Village de la Justice" is designed as a meeting point on the internet for French lawyers, to facilitate contact between them and to help them exchange information. Some features are also provided for individual citizens interested in legal topics. The site was created in 1997 by the French legal publisher L?giteam, and has been growing since. Users can choose the "espace pro" or the "espace grand public". The professional space provides a variety of news updates and contributed articles, debates, job and training details, and email forums.

Australian Lawyers Directory

Online directory of lawyers practising in Australia. Australian Lawyers Directory lists all Australian Solicitors firms and Barristers and can be searched by name, legal practice area or state. Practice areas include a wide range of legal subjects such as building and construction law, conveyancing, employment law, environmental and planning law and intellectual property law. Entries provide contact details with some including website addresses, emails and profiles of the firm. The directory also has several pages of links to other Australian websites.

Legal Protection of Cultural Property: A Selective Resource Guide

This online resource guide to the legal protection of cultural property has been written by Louise Tsang who is a research librarian at law firm Greenberg Traurig in the United States. The guide was published in the features section of in April 2007 and updates a previous version from April 2004. The guide provides references to sources of printed and electronic information and to organisations concerned with the protection of cultural property and art theft. There are links to sites providing background information and to other resource guides.

Southern African Legal Information Institute

The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) has been developed by the Wits Law School in South Africa and is hosted by the Constitutional Court of South Africa. SAFLII provides free access to South African legal materials including judgements of the Constitutional Court of South Africa back to 1995, judgements of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa and decisions of the Land Claims Court of South Africa from 1996. Full text South African consolidated legislation can also be viewed on the site along with publications of the South African Law Commission.

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