legal links

World Law: Cambodia

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Cambodia. A full range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to the Kingdom's Government, Lawyers, Courts and Case Law, Law Reform and Parliament, with specific subject areas including Family Law, Privatisation, Foreign Investment and Human Rights. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Cambodia on all of WorldLII. (Law Library Resource Exchange) is a free legal technology web journal for legal information professionals. LLRX is edited by Sabrina Pacifici, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland College for Information Studies and Center for Information Policy, and founder and editor of the legal blog, beSpacific. LLRX provides resource guides, feature articles and columns on legal research and technology issues. Articles can be browsed by date, author, column or subject.

European safety and health legislation

Website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. The Agency was set up by the European Union to serve the information needs of those interested in occupational health and safety issues in member countries. This section of the site provides access to directives, standards and guidelines along with other official documentation of the European Union. Full text legislation is linked to on the EUR-Lex database. There is also guidance to health and safety legislation of individual member countries with links to key texts provided on external sites.

World Law: Belize

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Belize in Central America. The site offers search facilities to trace internet resources for Belize including materials relating to Government, Courts, Legislation, Elections, Foreign Investment and Intellectual Property. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Belize on all of WorldLII. WorldLII was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

World Law: Turks and Caicos Islands

Links to legal materials and law related Internet resources for the Turks and Caicos Islands presented on WorldLII's Countries service. The Islands are British dependent territories in the Bahamas chain situated in the West Atlantic Ocean. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with the Turks and Caicos Islands supported by a saved search to automatically query all of WorldLII for materials relating to the Turks and Caicos Islands. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

World Law: Saint Helena

Part of WorldLII's Countries service covering Saint Helena, the volcanic island in the South Atlantic. Saint Helena is a British dependent territory. A range of browse and search features is provided by the service. Link collections include materials relating to Courts and Case and Government sites. A stored search will automatically query all of WorldLII for items about Saint Helena. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

World Law: Gibraltar

Part of WorldLII's Countries service covering Gibraltar, a British Crown Colony. A range of browse and search features is provided. Link collections provide access to sites relating to Gibraltar's Courts and Case Law and Government. A stored search will automatically query all of WorldLII for items about Gibraltar. The WorldLII service is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

World Law: Andorra

Links to legal materials for the Principality of Andorra, the small state on the slopes of the central Pyrenees between France and Spain. The link collections are presented on WorldLII's Countries service, providing access to materials relating to Andorra's Legislation and Parliament and subject sections dealing with Elections, Anti-Corruption measures and Intellectual Property. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Andorra on all of WorldLII.

World Law: Monaco

Links to legal materials and law related internet resources for the Principality of Monaco presented on WorldLII's Countries service. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with Government and Legislation in Monaco, supported by a saved search to automatically query all of WorldLII for materials relating to law in Monaco. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Juridisk Nettviser

A resource site and Internet gateway service giving access in particular to Norwegian primary and secondary legal materials on the Internet as well as providing comprehensive link collections covering other Nordic countries (including Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland and Sweden, other jurisdictions round the world and international and European law in general.) The service has been developed as a joint project by the Law faculties at the Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromso in Norway.

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