legal links

World Law: Albania

Links to legal materials and law related Internet resources for the Republic of Albania presented on WorldLII's World Law Index and Search Service. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with Albania's Government and Legislation, supported by subject sections such as Elections, Environment, Foreign Investment and Land Law. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available. World Law is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

World Law: Maldives

Section of WorldLII's World Law service covering the Republic of Maldives, the island archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Browse sections highlight links relating to: Government and Legislation resources, with links to subject areas including: Environment and Foreign Investment matters. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to the Maldives on all of World Law, in Other Indexes and in Law Journals. A web spider search facility offers high focus searches of selected remote sites.

World Law: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Country section of the World Law Index and Search service covering Bosnia and Herzegovina. Browse sections include links covering Government, Legislation, and Treaties and International Agreements. Stored searches include an option to query all of World Law for materials relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Dayton Peace Agreement. A limited area search engine offers high focus searches of selected remote sites. Site help and on screen translation facilities are available.

World Law: Macedonia

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to Internet resources for the Republic of Macedonia. Browse sections include links covering Legislation and subject areas such as: Capital Markets, Intellectual Property, Privatisation and Secured Transactions. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Macedonia on all of World Law. A limited area search engine offers high focus searches of selected remote sites.


An electronic journal and resource guide concerned with Internet and the legal and regulatory aspects of the global market and information technology, edited by Richard Swetenham. Papers, news stories and links published in the journal, deal with topics such as: copyright, data protection, liability and protection of minors with reference to individual countries worldwide as well as comparative and international perspectives. Articles are linked from headline news stories arranged by date and may be accessed via an alphabetical list of subject categories.

World Law: Croatia

Section of WorldLII's World Law service covering Croatia. A range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to: Courts, Government, Legislation, and Parliament, and subject areas including: Anti-Corruption, Capital Markets, Foreign Investment, Intellectual Property and Secured Transactions. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Croatia and the Dayton Peace Agreement on all of World Law. A web spider search facility offers high focus searches of selected remote sites.

World Law : Papua New Guinea

Section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service covering Papua New Guinea. A full range of browse and search features is provided. Browsable link collections include materials relating to the Government, Legislation, NGOs, and Parliament with specific subject sections dealing with Contracts, Intellectual Property, and Telecommunications. A series of stored search will automatically query all of World Law, Other Indexes and Law Journals for items about Papua New Guinea. A web spider facility providing high focus searches of selected remote sites.

World Law: Vatican City

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to internet resources for the Vatican City or Holy See, the Papal sovereign state in Rome, Italy. There are links to sites providing legislation, treaties and international agreements and introductions to Holy See law. Stored searches provide an option to query all of World Law for materials relating to the Vatican City. Site help and on screen translation facilities are available. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

World Law: Brunei

Links to legal materials and law related Internet resources for the Brunei Darussalam presented on WorldLII's World Law Index and Search Service. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with Brunei's Courts, Government, Legislation, and Treaties and International Agreements, supported by a saved search to automatically query all of World Law for materials relating to Brunei. A limited area search engine offers high focus searches of selected remote sites. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available.

World Law: Kiribati

Section of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to Internet resources for Kiribati. A range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections include links covering the Courts, Legislation, and Parliament. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Kiribati on all of World Law, in Other Indexes and in Law Journals. A web spider search facility offers high focus searches of selected remote sites. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available.

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