
Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin is published online through the Linkages website and produced by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). The Bulletin is intended to provide balanced, objective and informative summaries of international environment and development negotiations. Each volume covers a particular topic, such as a conference or convention, with individual issues providing short news reports on progress. Each volume also contains summary issues which contain full reports and analyses, and has an associated Linkages page with related information.

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal

Produced by the Information Unit for Conventions (IUC) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), this site maintains information on the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. The Basel Convention was adopted in 1989 and entered into force on 5 May 1992. The treaty strictly regulates the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and provides obligations to its Parties to ensure that such wastes are managed and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is an online search service that provides access to environmental treaties and the national resource indicators relevant to those treaties. The service is provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Subject areas covered include soil quality/conservation, water, sea, marine resources, air, plants, forests, animals, hazardous substances, land use, renewable energy and natural resources.

Multilaterals Project

The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is based at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA. It makes available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. The collection covers agreements in the fields of environmental law, human rights, commerce, war, arms control and other areas. Although the vast majority of texts date from the second half of the twentieth century, the site also provides historical texts, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia to the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Network of Concerned Historians

The Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) was established in 1995 at Groningen University in the Netherlands with the aim of linking international human rights organizations campaigning for censored or persecuted historians with the worldwide community of historians. Its website has information on the history and activities of the NCH and links to documents dealing with general human rights issues, copyright, democracy, disappearances, freedom of opinion and expression, genocide, racism, repatriation and international humanitarian law.

International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is the leading international humanitarian organization. Its website has a substantial section devoted to international humanitarian law ('Law and War'). It includes the Geneva Conventions, with commentaries, and a database of customary international humanitarian law. The site also provides ICRC publications, including cases studies and the International Review of the Red Cross back to 2004 (plus two earlier issues), as well as e-learning modules. The site is available English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Portuguese.


Collection of full-text Sri Lankan legal materials made freely available online by LawNet, a project established by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Justice and Judicial Reform. The site has full text official statutes from 1956 to 2006 and unofficial statutes to 2006. There are also collections of Provincial Council statutes, a copy of the Sri Lankan Constitution and legislation from the last year. Full text versions of the Sri Lanka Law Reports (SLRs) and the New Law Reports (NLRs) are also provided along with a complete digest for the SLRs and the NLRs arranged by subject.

An Introduction to Sources for Treaty Research

Electronic guide to the resources available for researching treaties, by Mark Engsberg, Foreign and International Law Librarian at Yale's Lillian Goldman Law Library. The guide was published in 2006 (and updated in 2021) on the Globalex Website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author identifies the tools available for researching both bilateral and multilateral treaties. There is an introduction to treaties and international agreements and an explanation of commonly used terms.

Treaty database

Online database of Israel's treaties, on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. The treaties can be browsed by subject and the name of the country with whom the agreement has been made. They can also be searched by name and date of the agreement. Records provide a description, keywords, state and date of signature. Digital images of the treaties are provided in PDF format. The interface is available in Hebrew, English, Arabic, Spanish, French or Russian; the treaties are in Hebrew, English and other languages.

À la Recherche des Travaux Préparatoires : An Approach to Researching the Drafting History of International Agreements

Guide to researching the drafting history of international agreements, by Jonathan Pratter, Foreign and International Law Librarian at Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas at Austin. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2017) on New York University's Globalex website. The author provides an introduction to travaux préparatoires, guidance on how to find them and details of publications which can help with this search.

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