
Private International Law

Free online resources for private international law (PIL), collated by the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law at the US Department of State. The database is split into 4 subject sections: Trade and Business Transactions Law; Family Law; International Judicial Assistance; and the law governing Wills, Trusts and Estates. Each of these sections includes a selection of primary documents under the following headings: PIL Conventions to Which the U.S. Is a Party; PIL Conventions -- U.S.

Trade and Related Agreements Database

Database containing the texts of trade and related agreements, maintained by the US Department of Commerce's Trade Compliance Center (TCC). The database aims to give free public access to agreements in force between the US and its trading partners dealing with manufactured products and services. Agreements can be searched or browsed and viewed by type- intellectual property rights agreements, WTO agreements, free trade agreements and bilateral investment agreements. There is also guidance to the different types of agreement.

Researching US Treaties and Agreements

An online legal research guide compiled by Marci Hoffman, International and Foreign Law Librarian at UC Berkeley Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in October 2005 and updates an earlier version which appeared in May 2001.The author provides commentary on web resources, with links, and details of relevant printed materials. The guide gives an introduction to the treaty-making process, looking briefly at international treaties and agreements, US treaties and agreements and their ratification and implementation.

Treaties and Other Sources of International Law

A research guide prepared and updated by librarians at the Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto, Canada. It offers commentary, research tips and details of websites and printed sources, including lists of finding tools for different categories of treaties. The guide has three main sections: public international law; private international law and foreign law; and notes on foreign law as part of international law.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : International Criminal Law

An online guide to International Criminal Law materials available on the web, written by Gail Partin as part of the ASIL's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. Gail Partin is Associate Director and Law Librarian at the Dickinson School of Law. The author describes and links to primary materials such as treaties, sources of conventions and agreements and decisions from courts, tribunals and other adjudicating bodies dealing with international criminal cases at international, regional and national level.

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: guide to research and literature

An online bibliographic guide prepared by Claire Germain of Cornell law library made freely available on the Cornell Law School website. The guide provides explanatory notes, bibliographic details and links to internet resources related to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (also known as the Vienna Convention and CISG). There is historical information on the Convention, guidance on research issues, references to commentaries and major texts and to judicial and arbitral decisions interpreting the Convention

Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project

An online archive providing access to the texts of constitutions, tribal codes and other legal materials relating to Native American Indians. The tribal codes and constitutions form the basis of self-government and sovereignty for native American tribes in the United States. Other documents on the site include Cohen's Handbook (in PDF format), Constitutions and Charters from the Tribes and Nations (HTML format),Treaty texts, Indian Land Titles materials and information on the development of tribal courts in Alaska.

International organisations and related information

A guide to websites relating to intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), maintained by the University of Michigan Library. The guide provides annotated links to relevant web-based document collections and research tools and to the official websites of IGOs and NGOs. Treaty websites are also covered and an alphabetical list of IGO abbreviations is available.

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

The Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States(OECS) is an intergovernmental body founded in 1981 which seeks to promote cooperation amongst the nations of the Eastern Caribbean. Its members include Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Montserrat, Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands and St Vincent and the Grenadines. The site provides general information on the purpose of the body, its current activities and basic information about the member states. Details of projects and programmes are given along with documents, treaties and agreements.

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