
Flare Index to Treaties

The Flare Index to Treaties is a free searchable database containing details of more than 2000 of the most significant multilateral treaties from about 1600 onwards, together with selected bilateral treaties signed between 1353 and 1815. The index was compiled by Dr Peter Clinch of Cardiff University and is hosted on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) website at the University of London. Entries are taken from "Multilateral Treaties: Index and Current Status" by Michael Bowman and David Harris and from other sources.

Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project

The Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC) Project is an initiative of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. The aim of the project is to "report on every State and disputed territory in the world, addressing both the legal norms that apply as well as the extent to which they are respected by the relevant actors." The website provides background information to international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law and international refugee law.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This site provides historical information and documentation on the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a joint digitisation project of the UN's Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Library of the UN Office at Geneva. The site has details of meetings which took place between 1946 and 1948, including meeting records and reports. Documents can be downloaded in English and French. Profiles of members of the Drafting Committee are also given.

International Treaties Collection

The International Treaties Collection is a project of WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute) which brings together collections of multilateral and bilateral treaties from the following Legal Information Institute (LIIs): AsianLII; AustLII; HKLII; NZLII; PacLII and CommonLII. The content includes treaties sponsored by many different intergovernmental organisations, from APEC to WIPO, together with numerous national treaty series; these collections can be searched individually or together, or browsed individually.

Antarctic Treaty Secretariat

The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is based in Buenos Aires and is responsible for providing information about the Antarctic Treaty system and support for the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM). The site has documents, related agreements and information relevant to the Antarctic Treaty including the text of the original Treaty, the Environment Protocol and details of Parties to the Treaty. There is also information and documentation relating to the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) and to ATCM meetings.

Antarctic Treaty Database

Website of the Antarctic Treaty Database made freely available online by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat in Buenos Aires. This searchable database provides access to the text of measures adopted by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) including all recommendations, measures, decisions and resolutions from 1961 onwards. Users can search or browse documents by meeting, category and topic. Categories include environmental protection, marine pollution, monuments, scientific cooperation and tourism. These categories can be broken down into more detailed topic headings.

Council of Europe: action against economic crime

Website of the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe (CoE), which brings together information on the work of relevant CoE committees. Conventions, projects, standards and details of monitoring and other activities of the CoE are grouped under the following topic headings: corruption; money laundering; cybercrime; judicial cooperation; exploitation of human beings and organised crime.

Introduction to public international law research

Research guide providing an introduction to public international law and highlighting the key information sources, written by Vicenç Feliú, Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at Louisiana State University. Last updated in 2016, the guide is available on the Globalex website. It defines 'international law' and gives an introduction to key bodies, including the United Nations, the European Union and the specialised agencies of the UN. There is guidance to researching treaties, with links to collections of treaties and treaty research guides.

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office: treaties

The UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office's treaty pages, including the treaty database UK Treaties Online, treaties that have been signed by the UK but not yet been ratified (or equivalent)  and information about multilateral treaties deposited with the FCDO. Guidance on UK treaty practice and procedure is also available, together with contact details for the FCDO Treaty Section's enquiry service.

Centre for Comparative and Public Law

The Centre for Comparative and Public Law, based at the University of Hong Kong, conducts research in the fields of comparative and public law. Its website provides details of conferences, lectures and training courses held by the Centre and makes available its occasional papers, conference papers and other publications. There is also information about the Centre's research projects.

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