Flare Index to Treaties


The Flare Index to Treaties is a free searchable database containing details of more than 2000 of the most significant multilateral treaties from about 1600 onwards, together with selected bilateral treaties signed between 1353 and 1815. The index was compiled by Dr Peter Clinch of Cardiff University and is hosted on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) website at the University of London. Entries are taken from "Multilateral Treaties: Index and Current Status" by Michael Bowman and David Harris and from other sources. The Index can be searched by keyword, date, title and place where the treaty was concluded. The Advanced Search screen searches bilaterals by party name. Records include additional keywords, citations to printed sources and links to web versions. FLARE is a collaborative group of major UK law libraries with international law collections: IALS, the Bodleian Law Library, the Squire Law Library, the British Library and the School of Oriental and African Studies Library.

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