Bibliographic databases

Global Terrorism Database

The Global Terrorism Database is hosted by the University of Maryland and provides information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 to 2020. The database can be searched or browsed by date, country, perpetrator and by type of weapon or target. Results are shown on a graph and entries include details of who carried out the attack, method used, a summary of the incident and sources of information.


WorldCat is an online library catalogue covering the print and electronic collections of about 10,000 libraries, including national, academic, special and public libraries. Although it has contributing libraries from all over the world, the majority are based in the US or Europe. WorldCat has basic and advanced search facilities and it covers book, serials and other material on all subjects. Search results can be sorted and filtered, and WorldCat will tell you if a particular item is held in a nearby library.

Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog (KVK)

Meta-search engine for library catalogues from all over the world, collections of digitised material and online bookshops; includes the global library catalogue, WorldCat. For the most part it finds catalogue records only, but it also links to full-text material from the Hathi Trust, Google, the Directory of Open Access Journals and so on. Users can select which catalogues, digital resources and bookshops they wish to search, then search for books, serials or other material by key word, title, author, et cetera.

IBFD Library Catalogue

IBFD’s online Library Catalogue can be used to search for journal articles on international and comparative taxation, as well as the more usual book titles and journal titles. The IBFD Catalogue indexes articles from tax journals published all over the world. For the latest items, see ‘New in the Catalogue’. Amsterdam-based IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) is a leading authority on cross-border taxation.

LSE Library

Website of the London School of Economics (LSE) Library, otherwise known as the British Library of Political and Economic Science. The Library's collections of social science materials are of recognised national and international importance. They cover politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, government and social policy, worldwide, from before the 19th Century to the present day. The LSE website provides access to the Library's catalogue as well as information about services, collections and facilities.

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing is the Council of Europe's official publisher and this website is its online bookshop. It provides a full catalogue of priced CoE publications, printed and electronic, from the last ten years. Titles are arranged under the following headings: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress, Human Rights, Law, Health, Society, Environment, Population, Local and Regional Democracy, Education, Modern languages, Youth, Culture, Sport, Communication, European issues and Non-official languages. Basic and advanced search facilities are available.


ECOLEX is an environmental law information service operated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN). It is partly funded by the Dutch government. The website provides a searchable database which combines the environmental law information held by all three bodies. This comprises multilateral treaties; national legislation; European Union instruments; international "soft law" and related documents; bibliographic details of law and policy literature; and judicial decisions.

NATLEX database

NATLEX is a database of information about national labour, social security and related human rights laws in over 190 countries and more than 160 territories. It is maintained by the International Labour Organization's International Labour Standards Department. The records which make up the database are written by legal professionals; they consist of abstracts and bibliographic details, with links to the full text of the laws where possible. NATLEX can be browsed by country or by subject and has a sophisticated search facility.

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