official publications

Moniteur Belge

Web pages of the Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, the official Belgian record which is published daily and includes texts of new laws, royal decrees and ordinances, and new regulations, as well as prominent decisions in Belgian law. The complete text of the Moniteur is available from 22 September 1998, and users can search on the date of publication to display the text for that date. The text can be displayed in French, German or Dutch, and the interface is in Dutch or French. 


The official report of the proceedings of the UK Parliament, known as Hansard, available on the Parliament website. House of Commons debates, statements and written answers are provided from November 1988 onwards and House of Lords debates, statements and so on from November 1995 onwards; there is also a link to an archive of digitised Hansard from 1803 to 2005. Hansard on the Parliament website may be browsed by date, MP or peer and other criteria, but there is no search facility.

Boletin Oficial del Estado

The Spanish official gazette, the Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE), publishes legislation. Since January 2009, the electronic version has had official authentic status. The Boletin is available on this website from 1995 onwards. The site also has a 'Legislacion' page with current codes, a database of laws from 1960 onwards and a historical archive of official gazettes from 1661 to 1967.

States of Guernsey Government

The States of Guernsey is the official legislative and governing body of the Island of Guernsey and the other inhabited Channel Islands of Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou, Brecqhou and Lihou. The site's Social Security and Income Tax pages include relevant legislation. Official publications, such as consultation papers, are available on the general Government page and the departmental pages. The About Guernsey section has a description of the parliamentary system. Press releases are also available on the site.

Federal Register

The US Federal Register is available from 1970 onwards from the official Federal Digital System website, browseable by date, with a link to a search facility. The Federal Register is the official daily publication for US federal rules, proposed rules, notices issued by federal agencies, presidential executive orders and other presidential documents. Each issue in pdf format and recent issues are also available in xml. The website is provided by the US Government Publishing Office (GPO).

Scottish Parliament

Official website of the Scottish Parliament, covering its history, procedures, news, publications, MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament) and parliamentary business.  Current and previous bills are available, together with the Official Report (the record of what was said in Parliament and in public committee sessions), committee reports, parliamentary questions and other information.

TED: Tenders Electronic Daily

Tenders Electronic Daily, or 'TED', originated as the printed Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (S series, or OJ S). TED is online-only and provides daily information on public contracts put out to competitive bidding in the EU member states and by EU institutions. The content can be searched or browsed and RSS feeds are available. There is a five-year archive. Users can register for free to access additional functions such as saved searches and customisation. The website is in all the official EU languages.

House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin

The House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin was produced b the UK Parliament until July 2011. It provided information on the recent and forthcoming business of the lower chamber, the House of Commons; it also included some coverage of the activities of the House of Lords.The Bulletin is divided into sub-sections which include a list of public and private bills before parliament, information on the progress of individual bills, information on the meetings of Standing and Select Committees, the present state of the parties in Parliament and a listing of EU documents received.


EUR-Lex is the European Union's own free database of legal and official texts, amounting to more than three million documents.


The Folketinget is the parliament of Denmark. Its website is available in both English and Danish. The English version offers information on the history and duties of the Danish parliament. It includes information about electoral administration and the electoral laws. The Danish version provides more detailed information about parliamentary business. It offers the full text of all official documents produced during the current session, including parliamentary debates, parliamentary bills and committee documents.

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