official publications

Website monitoring the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, provided by the University of Bologna’s Interdepartmental centre for research in European Communities Law (CIRDCE), the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation and European Magistrates for Democracy and Freedoms (MEDEL). The site makes available a collection of journal articles, studies and other commentary, under ‘Comments’.


Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.


DIP is the documentation and information system of the German national parliament, the Bundestag. It provides parliamentary papers – including bills – and parliamentary debates from December 1976 onwards. The main DIP page covers the 16th parliamentary term onwards (18th October 2005 - ). Users may browse this section of the site by theme, or select the dedicated search facilities for consultations (Beratungsabläufe), activities (Aktivitäten) or documents (Dokumente). For documents from earlier parliamentary terms, select ‘DIP 8.-15 Wahlperiode’. The site is entirely in German.

Collected Travaux Préparatoires

Directory of travaux préparatoires (preparatory documents) for treaties, provided by the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University. Lists travaux préparatoires that have been published in printed form and/or online. Includes contents pages for many items and has links to some full-text documents. The directory is an ongoing project and new contributions are invited.


Every issue of the Bundesgesetzblatt, the German Federal Official Gazette, is provided free of charge on this website by the official publisher, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Part I (Teil I) contains laws and ministerial orders and is available from 1949 onwards; part II (Teil II) contains international agreements and is available from 1951 onwards; the Index (Fundstellennachweis) is also provided. The free version can be browsed by date, but for searching, printing, copying or downloading a subscription is required. The site is in German only.

TSO Shop

Online shop of TSO, the privatised UK official publisher, formerly Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO). The site has a Parliamentary and Legal section, which can be searched separately from other TSO titles. This section may also be browsed, under the headings Daily List, Gazettes, Law, Legislation,
Official, Parliamentary, Parliamentary Committees, TSO Ireland and TSO Scotland. Email updates about new titles are available. There is a Libraries page with subscription information and other guidance for librarians.

Researching League of Nations Documents

Guide to researching the documentation of the League of Nations, by Gabriela Femenia, Foreign and International Law Library at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biddle Law Library. The research guide was published in 2012 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the types of documents produced by the League of Nation and their reference numbers and discusses print, microfilm and electronic sources of these documents.

Office for National Statistics

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority. Its website makes available a very large collection of economic, social and demographic data, including crime, criminal justice and police statistics, Consumer Price Indices and statistics on company mergers and acquisitions. The Publications section of the site provides articles, bulletins, reports and other materials produced by the ONS.


Official law website for the Principality of Monaco, provided by the Ministère d’Etat. The legislation section comprises the Monaco Constitution; the Civil Code, Penal Code, Commercial Code and other codes; it also has individual laws from 1920 onwards. Draft laws and recently passed laws are provided under the heading “Actualité législative”.

Portal Ibero-Americano de Justicia Electrónica

Portal to online resources relating to the justice systems of Spain, Portugal and Latin America, provided by the Conference of Ministers of Justice of Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB). The site gives details of the work being undertaken in the various jurisdictions dealing with access to justice, new technologies relating to the administration of justice, international legal cooperation, prison reform and gender equality. Links are given to relevant laws and the government departments undertaking the work. The site can be viewed in Spanish and Portuguese only.

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