official publications

African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.

Public Inquiries and Inquests

This web page forms part of the UK Government Web Archive which is maintained and hosted by the National Archives website. This page provides access to the archived websites of a number of completed and ongoing public inquiries and inquests. The inquiries are arranged alphabetically and the links give access to documents and reports generated by each inquiry. Inquiries accessible from this page include
the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, the Shipman Inquiry and the Baha Mousa Inquiry.

Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707

Open-access database containing the proceedings of old Scottish parliaments, 1235 to 1707. Produced by the Scottish Parliament Project at the University of St Andrews, the database is the most comprehensive collection of Scottish parliamentary proceedings ever produced; it includes legislation, records of parliamentary proceedings, petitions, letters patent, charters and other documents. Latin and English parallel texts are provided. There are simple and advanced search facilities, or the data can be browsed by reign.

Government of Timor-Leste

Website of the East Timor Government, providing official publications, legislation, news and information about the government of East Timor, its history and the political system. The legislation section of the site provides selected recent laws and a few treaties; much of the legislation is available in English, but some of it is only in Portuguese. The legislation is divided into categories: the Constitution; business and investment; taxation; imports and exports; oil and gas; transport and communications and immigration. The site is available in English, Portuguese or Tetum versions.

Timor-Leste Official Journal

The Timor-Leste Official Journal ((Jornal da Republica) is available on the website of the East Timorese Ministry of Justice from 2002 onwards. The Journal publishes East Timorese legislation and other official material, in Portuguese. The website also has the East Timorese Constitution in Portuguese and Tetum.

European Forum of Official Gazettes

European Forum of Official Gazettes website. The service was developed in 2004 by the organisations responsible for publishing the official gazettes of the European Union Member States and the EU Publications Office with the aim of exchanging ideas and information on publication processes, technology and best practices between the official publishers. In addition the Forum includes information about selected legal gazettes of countries outside the European Union. The Forum secretariat is provided by the EU Publications Office in Luxembourg. Access involves self-created account.

Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

The Grand National Assembly's website has information in English and Turkish on the law-making process in Turkey, including introduction of bills, committee deliberation, budgetary process, ratification of international treaties and publication of laws. It also provides English translations of key documents including the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye and the assembly's  Rules of Procedure. Content in Turkish only includes the verbatim report of proceedings, a legislation database and a database of assembly resolutions. 

Immigration Rules

Section of the Home Office website dealing with the UK’s immigration rules. Provides the current Immigration Rules and an archive of previous versions. Also makes available all the official Statements of Changes in Immigration Rules since May 2003.

Universal Human Rights Index

Database of country-specific human rights information, provided by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, originally developed at the University of Bern. The Index brings together recommendations, reports, concluding observations from the different parts of the UN human rights protection system: the Treaty Bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is part of the intergovernmental Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It observes elections, monitors democracy and seeks to foster human rights, tolerance and the rule of law. The Office’s website describes its work, provides press releases and makes available its recommendations, reports, and other publications. On the Resources page there is a Documents Library, an email news service and a multimedia library.

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