official publications

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance between North America and Europe. Its aim is to maintain peace and stability through cooperative action. The NATO website contains information about the Organization’s purpose, structure and activities. The North Atlantic Treaty and its protocols are available, together with NATO ministerial communiqués (1949 onwards) and other official documents. The site also provides news, transcripts of speeches and an online bookshop.

African Union

The African Union (AU) seeks to promote unity and solidarity in Africa. Its website provides information about member states and events, together with the organisation's treaties, statements, decisions, declarations, reports and other documents. Several journals and newsletters are also available, largely in French. The site is in English, French and Arabic.

European Parliament

The European Parliament’s website offers a large amount of information the institution, its political groups and members. The home page has links livestreamed parliamentary proceedings and news. It also links to the Legislative Observatory and Legislative Train, both of which track the progress of legislation, and to the EP's Think Tank, which provides policy analysis. The Plenary section covers parliamentary proceedings and there is a Committees section focusing on the activities of parliamentary committees. The site can be viewed in any of the official languages of the EU.

Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland

The Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland is responsible for Crown copyright and database rights relating to the work of the Scottish Government. The site provides full text access to Scottish legislation (Acts of the Scottish Parliament, Statutory Instruments and Explanatory Notes) as originally enacted from 1999 onwards. Free RSS feeds are available for accessing legislation added to the site in the last three days. There are links to UK Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments (from 1988 onwards) which apply exclusively or primarily to Scotland.

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing is the Council of Europe's official publisher and this website is its online bookshop. It provides a full catalogue of priced CoE publications, printed and electronic, from the last ten years. Titles are arranged under the following headings: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress, Human Rights, Law, Health, Society, Environment, Population, Local and Regional Democracy, Education, Modern languages, Youth, Culture, Sport, Communication, European issues and Non-official languages. Basic and advanced search facilities are available.

Government of the Republic of Bulgaria

This is the official website of the Bulgarian government. It provides links to the home pages of the main government departments including health, the economy and foreign policy. It also enables access to recent government documents, official reports, legislation and budgets covering all aspects of economic, political and social policy, including relations with the European Union. All information is offered in English or Bulgarian.

Service Central de Législation

Website of the Luxembourg official legislation publisher. As well as publishing the Mémorial (official gazette and legislation), the Service has published the Constitution of Luxembourg and the human rights legislation in force in Luxembourg, and both of these are available on this site in PDF, in French. The Service's annual reports (Rapports d'acitivité) are available from 1999 onwards. These include chapters on the legislative process in Luxembourg, statistics on laws passed, and the Service's publications programme for that year.

Diário da República

Diário da República, the Portuguese official gazette, is available free on this website. It is now published in two series: legislation appears in Series I and administrative actions in Series II. Series III, which has ceased publication, used to publish official notices. Series I is available from 1910 onwards; Series II from 1990 onwards; and Series III from 1943 to mid-2006 . The site is in Portuguese.

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