official publications

Tongan Legislation

Current revised edition of the Laws of Tonga (primary and secondary), provided by the Attorney General's Office (AGO), together with bills, the official gazette and a collection of acts that are no longer in force, all in both English and Tongan. The website also includes a collection of cases from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Magistrates Court, Privy Council and other courts and tribunals, accompanied by a consolidated index of Tongan cases.

Laws of Kenya

The Laws of Kenya website, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting, makes available Kenyan statutes and subsidiary legislation arranged by subject, with a search facility. The site also has Kenyan case law, the Kenya Gazette and other material.

Sumário das Legislações Publicadas nos Diários da República 1975 - 2007

Hosted on the website of the Association of General Secretaries of Portuguese-language Parliaments (Associação dos Secretários-Gerais dos Parlamentos de Língua Portuguesa), this booklet provides a summary of all legislation published in the Diário da República (Official Gazette) of São Tomé and Príncipe between 1975 -2007

New Zealand Gazette

Website of the New Zealand Gazette, the official government newspaper and journal of constitutional record. The Gazette publishes official notices relating to business proceedings, bankruptcies, transfers of land and other matters, as well as notices from government departments and the New Zealand Parliament. It is available online to browse or search from 1993 onwards; in October 2014 the online edition replaced the print edition. The site also provides annual cumulative indexes to the Gazette from 2000 to 2014.


Legifrance is the official French law website. The contents include the Constitution and individual laws in force (under 'Textes consolidés'); more than 70 codes; the Journal Officiel from 1869 onwards, cases, draft laws and other parliamentary material (under 'Dossiers legislatifs'). The site, which is entirely in French, can be browsed by type of material, and basic and advanced search facilities are available.  

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