
New York State Law Revision Commission

Website of the New York State Law Revision Commission whose role is to examine defects and anachronisms in state law and make recommendations for reform. The site has information on the purpose and organisation of the Commission and profiles of Commission members. Recent Commission meeting notices as well as studies and reports are made freely available on the site in PDF format. A few webcasts of reports and meetings concerning the Commission's Alcoholic Beverage Control Law study are also available through Windows Media, Adobe Flash, or low speed video.

Uniform Law Commission

Website of the Uniform Law Commission (National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), a non-profit organisation made up of Uniform Law Commissioners who are lawyers appointed by state governments to review state law increase uniformity. The site provides a copy of the ULC constitution and details of commissioners and standing committees. A copy of the drafting manual can be downloaded from the site in PDF format. There is a database of uniform and model acts which can be browsed by title or state giving legislation in full-text in a range of formats. 

Laws of Gibraltar

The Laws of Gibraltar website is provided by the Government of Gibraltar and includes all consolidated primary and secondary legislation currently available and a database of all judgments published in the bound volumes of Gibraltar Law Reports, 1812 onwards. The Laws can be searched by title, keyword, legislation number, date or type of legislation and there is also an index of legislation by title, giving the law number, commencement date and topic. The Judgments database can be searched by keyword, title (party name) and/or case number and filtered by court and/or date.

Queensland Human Rights Commission

Website of the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC), the statutory body responsible for administering the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 in Queensland, Australia. The QHRC promotes equality of opportunity and deals with complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the Anti-Discrimination Act. A selection of information brochures are provided on the site dealing with various aspects of discrimination including sexual harassment, age discrimination, gender identity, disability discrimination and racial and religious vilification.

Judicial Commission of New South Wales

Website of the independent Judicial Commission of New South Wales, a statutory body whose functions include reviewing sentencing practice, providing judicial training and examining complaints against judicial officers. The site has information about the Judicial Commission and details of members and principle officers. The Commission produce a series of studies on particular aspects of sentencing policy in NSW.

Law Reform Project

This WorldLII project aims to make searchable from one location all of the Law Reform databases available on WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute). The Law Reform Database currently includes publications from the Law Commissions of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Scotland, South Africa and England and Wales. It is possible to search the full-text or just title words of publications included. It is also possible to browse publications from each Law Commission individually.

Online Burma/Myanmar Library- Law and Constitution

The Online Burma/Myanmar Library is described as "a database which functions as an annotated, classified and hyperlinked index to full-texts of individual Burma documents on the Internet." This section of the database provides access to primary and secondary legal materials relating to Burma and includes topics such as constitutional law, international law, economic laws, nationality, criminal law, drug legislation, labour laws and women and the law.

Burma Lawyers' Council

The Burma Lawyers' Council (BLC) is an independent group of lawyers and legal academics. Its aim is to foster human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Burma by such means as public education campaigns, provision of legal advice and research into the Burmese judicial system. The Council's website provides a selection of legal materials relating to Burma, including the country's Constitutions and its National Convention, reports and articles on the legal situation in Burma and a number of landmark agreements and declarations.

Summaries of EU legislation

This section of the EU's Europa portal provides summaries of EU legislation in all policy areas. The information is arranged by subject, including agriculture, competition, employment and social policy, human rights, the internal market, regional policy and transport; these subjects are further sub-divided by specific area of law. Each section has an introduction to the policy, an outline of the legislation, details of relevant policy documents and information about future developments. Links are provided to the legal texts and official documents mentioned.

Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

The website of the Hungarian Patent Office provides guidance and legal information on obtaining patents and trademarks in Hungary. Copies of Hungarian laws and regulations are provided online along with contact details of Hungarian patent agents. The site also includes information on plant variety protection, utility model protection, trademarks, designs and copyright issues in Hungary. The Hungarian Industrial Property Database, which has information on patents, utility models, trademarks and designs protected in Hungary, is free to search on the site.

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