law reports

Legal Resources Centre

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) in South Africa is an independent, non-profit law centre which was established in 1979. The LRC provides legal services to the "poor, homeless, and landless people and communities of South Africa who suffer discrimination by reason of race, class, gender, disability or by reason of social, economic, and historical circumstances." The website gives information about the work of the LRC including full-text copies of their annual reports and a selection of academic papers.

1st Amendment Online

Website of 1st Amendment Online set up by Adam Samaha, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Minnesota Law School. Although the site has not been updated since 2004 it does contain many useful legal materials relating to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and includes cases, historical documents, opinion polls, and primary sources. Important cases concerning the 1st Amendment from the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court are presented on the site as PDF documents.


UNILEX is a browsable database produced by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). It contains case law and bibliographies relating to the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. The text of each instrument is provided, along with a list of participating countries. The cases are arranged by date, country, arbitral award and by article and issues.

Minority Rights Information System

Website of the Minority Rights Information System (MIRIS), hosted by the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), a research institute established in Italy in 1992. The database provides information on the implementation of minority rights in the member states of the Council of Europe and includes national legislation and case-law, international treaties and agreements of the UN, Council of Europe and the OSCE, case studies and specific documents on minority groups. Texts are made available in English and the official language of the state concerned.

Proceedings of the Old Bailey: 1674 to 1913

Free online version of the Proceedings of the Old Bailey (London's Central Criminal Court), produced by the Open University and the Universities of Hertfordshire and Sheffield. Covers historical and legal background to trials at the Old Bailey as well as the accounts of criminal trials held there from 1674 to 1913 (when publication of the Proceedings ceased). Full text accounts are provided in HTML as well as digital images of the original reports and pictures from legal materials of the time. The Proceedings can be searched by keyword, name, date, crime and verdict and punishment.

Supreme Court of Jamaica

The official website of the Supreme Court of Jamaica provides free access to Supreme Court and Appeal Court judgments in PDF format back to 1997. A small number of Jamaican acts and a collection of online civil procedure forms are also made available in full as PDF documents. Background information about plans to computerise the Jamaican courts and details of the court reporting training programme are also given on the website. There is a page of links to other Jamaican government and legal websites.


Chinalawinfo is a subscription database providing Chinese legal information and materials translated into English. The service has been developed by the Legal Information Center at the Peking University Law School. Parts of the website can be accessed freely including Basic Laws which are laws adopted by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee prior to January 1, 2006. An outline of the Chinese legal system, white papers and legal news stories are also made freely available.

Atkinson Law

Website of Atkinson Law a company providing information on construction law and dispute resolution services including arbitration, adjudication and mediation. As well as giving details of the services the company provides there is a database of case digests relating to the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and a collection of in-house articles dealing with construction law, adjudication and mediation. The site also provides a comprehensive collection of links relating to construction law.

Freedom of Information Center

Website of the Freedom of Information Center, an online library based at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. The Center was established in 1958 and contains over a million articles on freedom of information in the United States. The home page has links to current news stories and the FOI Advocate, an online newsletter, provides a digest of news stories with links to the full-text and online reports. The guide to media law is aimed specifically at journalists and includes links to organisations, judgements and legal research sites.

Ustavni Sud Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Croatia which is based in Zagreb. The site provides profiles of the President and the judges of the Constitutional Court and related legal documents including the Croatian Constitution in full-text and the Rules of Procedure of the Court. There is background, historical and organisational information on the Court and its jurisdiction. Full text decisions of the Court can be searched or browsed on the site in Croatian only. The website can be viewed in Croatian and English.

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