law reports

England and Wales High Court (Admiralty Division) Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Admiralty Division of the High Court of England and Wales. The database contains decisions from 2001 onwards to date made available to the Court Service and public. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and Recent Cases listing. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Scottish Information Commissioner

The Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) hears appeals regarding Scottish FoI requests and provides information to the public about information rights in Scotland. The SIC website has information about the work of the commissioner and provides guidance, the relevant legislation, appeal decisions and a list of current appeal applications. 

High Court of Australia Library

Website providing information about the library and collections of the High Court of Australia. Access is given to the Library's online catalogue and a selection of library publications. The Monthly List of Acquisitions providing details of new titles added to the library in the last month and a list of the library's serials are both made available as PDF documents. A link to the library's High Court Bulletin on the AustLII website includes a record of cases reserved and cases granted or refused special leave.

Scottish Council of Law Reporting

Website of the Scottish Council of Law Reporting, a non-profit company made up of Scottish judges, advocates and solicitors, whose purpose is to manage the publication of its Session Cases law report series and other materials. The site gives subscription information for the Sessions Cases which can be accessed online and in hard copy. There is a comprehensive collection of legal links focussing on the law in Scotland and organised by subject.

Courts and Tribunals in Belgium

Website of the Belgium courts and tribunals covering the administration of justice in Belgium. It gives contact details and background information for Belgian courts including the Cour de Cassation, Cours d'Appel, Cours du Travail and various tribunals.  There is also general information for the public about the law and the judicial system in Belgium. The site is available in French, Dutch or German.

Recommendations of the Irish Labour Court

Database of Recommendations made freely available by the Irish Labour Court (An Chuirt Oibreachais) an industrial relations tribunal which deals with disputes concerning industrial relations, minimum wage and equality issues in Ireland. All the cases are grouped into 4 categories- dispute type, legislative type, case number and alphabetically by party. This enables you to locate cases by searching or browsing. Dispute type organises cases under subject headings such as overtime, harassment, pensions and working time.

Queensland Courts

Website of the Queensland Courts in Australia, administered by the Supreme Court Library. Includes information about the Supreme Court, District Courts, Magistrates' Courts, Children's Court, and Mental Health Court, as well as the tribunals, such as the Consumer and Commercial Tribunal and the Land and Resources Tribunal. Judgments from the Queensland courts are available, along with practice directions and links to state legislation.

Center for New York City Law

Website of the Center for New York City Law at the New York Law School. The Center carries out research, holds courses and events and produces publications. Their stated aim is to "provide information about, and analysis of, the laws and legal processes that govern New York City". The website has information about the Center and its work including details of the Advisory Council and faculty members. There is a searchable database of New York Administrative Decisions and an annotated collection of links to New York City legal websites.

Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal

The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals) is a Superior Court of Record which hears appeals against decisions made by the Social Entitlement Chamber, the Health, Education and Social Care Chamber, and the War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Chamber of the of the First-tier Tribunal. The site explains the structure and work of the Tribunal and the types of cases heard.

Tax Court of Canada

The Tax Court of Canada (TCC) was established in 1983 and is the first level of appeal for taxpayers in Canada. The website gives information about the history of the TCC, a list of acts under which the Court has jurisdiction, annual reports and a selection of information sheets detailing the work of the court. There is also practical guidance for people appealing to the TCC and online (HTML) copies of the Court rules. Full text judgements of the Court are available back to 1997 and can be browsed by date, name or subject area or searched using a simple or advanced search option.

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