law reports

Supreme Court of New South Wales Court of Appeal Decisions

An AustLII database containing full-text decisions of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of New South Wales from 1999 onwards. Decisions are selected and provided by the Court. Earlier decisions are held in a separate AustLII database. Decisions can be searched or browsed by case name or date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia. Primary materials on AustLII are funded by the Law Foundation of New South Wales.

Residential Tenancies Tribunal of the Australian Capital Territory Decisions

An AustLII database featuring selected full-text decisions of Residential Tenancies Tribunal of the Australian Capital Territory from 1998 to 2009. Data is selected by the Tribunal and provided by permission of the Tribunal and the ACT Government. The database offers a comprehensive search facility, case name search, alphabetical browse list and recent updates list. The Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australian jurisdictions.

Australian Capital Territory Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions

An AustLII database, providing free access to the full-text of selected decisions of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Australian Capital Territory from 1993 to date. Recent cases are highlighted in a separate list. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials. Materials contained in the database are provided by permission of the ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions.

Australian Trade Marks Office's Decisions

An AustLII Web database containing selected decisions of the Australian Trade Marks Offices from 1991 onwards. The system offers full search facilities, a case name search, alphabetical browse listing and recent decisions list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials. Data from the Australian Trade Marks Office is supplied by IP Australia.

Australian Patent Office Decisions

An AustLII Web database containing decisions of the Australian Patents Office from 1981 onwards. Decision texts are in HTML format. The service features full search facilities, a case name search, alphabetical browse option and recent cases list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials. The data from the Australian Patent Office is supplied by IP Australia.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Decisions (Australia)

A free database containing full-text decisions of Australia's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission from 1985 to 1999 when the Commission closed. The texts are selected and provided by the Commission and made available in HTML format. Decisions can be searched or browsed by case name or date. The database forms part of AustlII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) service developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials.

Immigration Review Tribunal Decisions (Australia)

An AustLII website carrying full-text decisions in HTML format of the Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia from 1990 to 1999. Browsing is available by year or alphabetical listing. There is a link to the AustLII database for the Migration Review Tribunal which superceded the Immigration Review Tribunal in 1999. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials.

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Official site of the Ontario Human Rights Commission which was established in 1961 to administer Ontario's Human Rights Code. The agency is accountable to the Legislature through the Minister of Citizenship. The site provides general information about the Commission and about the various rights Ontarians are entitled to. It also contains the full-text of the Human Rights Code, annual reports of the Commission, consultation and discussion documents, policies, plain language publications and guides.

Employment Insurance Jurisprudence Library

A searchable database of Canadian insurance jurisprudence including Canadian Umpire Benefits decisions, Federal Court decisions and Supreme Court decisions along with a number of related Provincial Court and Human Rights Tribunal decisions. A collection of the most important decisions can be searched separately. Materials are carried in full-text and presented in HTML format. Help notes on searching the database are provided. The service is made freely available online by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services in Ottawa, Ontario.

Judgements of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia

An AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) database providing selected judgements of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia from 2013 onwards. Judgement texts are selected and provided by the Court, and most of the material is then provided via AustLII which offers full search facilities and alphabetical browse listing. AustLII has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials.

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