law reform

Appeal : Review of Current Law and Law Reform

Appeal is a student law review from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, British Columbia, Canada, published annually from 1995 onwards. The review publishes articles from students across Canada, providing a perspective on current legal issues from future Canadian lawyers and legislators. The site includes subscription details and a style guide for authors. Full text is now available through Westlaw and LexisNexis.

Michigan Journal of Law Reform

Founded in the late 1960s, the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform is published by the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, USA. The journal is dedicated to law reform orientated articles and student notes. It seeks to improve the law and its administration by providing a forum for discussion that identifies contemporary issues for reform efforts, proposes concrete means to accomplish change, and evaluates the impact of law reform in the US. As contributions to this discussion, the Journal welcomes multidisciplinary and empirical work.

Alabama Law Review

This is the full text online edition of the US law school journal published up to five times a year. Online version begins with Volume 48, No. 1, Fall 1996. The journal aims to contribute to information exchange and development of legal scholarship through the medium of the Internet.

International Journal of the Sociology of Law

A print journal published by Elsevier, but this site gives the titles and some abstracts of articles published since March 1995 (via Science Direct, an online journal delivery service). The title of the journal has been changed to International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice since 2007 December. The International Journal of the Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary forum for high quality research and debate on social context and social implications of law, law-enforcement, and legal process.

La Réforme de la Justice au Mali - Programme Décennal de Développement de la Justice

PRODEJ, Programme Décnnal de Dévloppement de la Justice, was set up in 1999 to promote access to justice in Mali and to improve confidence in the justice system, under the aegis of the Ministry of Justice of Mali. The site presents project documentation, including policy and planning documents, on legislative reform and modernisation and administration of justice. A collection of the legislation of Mali is included. Recent news bulletins are available along with a digest of Supreme Court cases from 1998 to 2007. The site is in French throughout.

Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan

The Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan is the body responsible for advising on reforms and improvements to the law including "modernization, unification and codification". The site gives historic and background information to the judicial system and administration of justice in Pakistan along with a full-text copy of the Constitution. Annual reports of the various courts and judicial statistics can be viewed on the site and full-text reports of the Law Commission can be downloaded.

Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies

Website of the Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAs) an organisation set up in 2005 to encourage international cooperation in law reform. The site has background and historical information about CALRAs, details of its aims and objectives and a copy of the organisation's founding constitution. Information about CALRAs' inaugural conference is also provided online along with details of the Executive Committee and membership information.

Law Commission of Bangladesh

Website of the Bangladesh Law Commission, the body dealing with law reform issues in Bangladesh. The site provides background on the establishment of a Law Commission in Bangladesh and a brief history of law commissions in the Indian sub-continent. There is information on the composition, functions and activities of the Commission along with profiles of members and staff. A full-text copy of the Law Commission Act and a selection of Commission reports from 1998 onwards are made available in full-text on the site.

Attorney General's Chambers of Singapore

Website of the Attorney General of Singapore who is the principal legal advisor to the government. The site has background information about the role and history of the Attorney General and the work of the various divisions within the Attorney General's Chambers. Publications are provided in full text PDF. These include consultation papers, speeches, law reform reports and legislation. There is also a link to the Singapore Statutes Online database providing access to the full text of all current acts of Singapore.

New York State Law Revision Commission

Website of the New York State Law Revision Commission whose role is to examine defects and anachronisms in state law and make recommendations for reform. The site has information on the purpose and organisation of the Commission and profiles of Commission members. Recent Commission meeting notices as well as studies and reports are made freely available on the site in PDF format. A few webcasts of reports and meetings concerning the Commission's Alcoholic Beverage Control Law study are also available through Windows Media, Adobe Flash, or low speed video.

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