law reform

Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong

Official site of the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The Commission reviews aspects of the laws of Hong Kong referred to it by the Secretary of Justice or the Chief Justice. Members of the Commission, appointed by the Chief Executive, are listed on the site. The website carries online texts of published reports, consultation papers, implemented recommendations and matters under current consideration including double jeopardy, class actions and enduring powers of attorney.

Queensland Law Reform Commission

Internet site of the Law Reform Commission established by the Queensland State Government in Australia. The site offers online access to recently published reports and recommendation documents. Current projects are also detailed on the site. These review the law relating to jury directions, jury selection laws and Queensland guardianship laws. Background information about the Commission, its membership and remit in the modernisation of Queensland State law and notes on how to make a submission to the Commission supported by an electronic feedback option are provided.

Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee

Official website for the Committee established by the Parliament of the State of Victoria, Australia to oversee review and recommend revision of State legislation, specifically "redundant or unclear" measures. The site publishes documents and discussion papers relating to current inquiries and gives full text access to reports, discussion papers and statute law revision reports. The site gives contact details forScrutiny Committees in other Australian states.

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

Website for the Law Reform Commission responsible for reviewing and servicing the revision of selected laws in Western Australia. This official site describes the composition, work and authority of the Commission. In addition the site offers a details of current projects, selected links and information on conferences in the field of law scrutiny and reform. The site carries full text reports and papers relating to current and completed referrals such as aboriginal customary law, contempt and review of the homicide laws.

New South Wales Law Reform

Government website for the Law Reform Commission based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The site publishes information about the Commission, its history, and its role in helping to update law and the administration of law. An outline of the law reform and modernisation process is provided, with particular reference to the work of the New South Wales Community Law Reform Program. Current projects before the Commission with supporting online documentation and discussion papers include privacy, consent of minors to medical treatment and complicity in criminal cases.

Connecticut Law Revision Commission

Official website for the Law Revision Commission for the State of Connecticut in the United States. The Commission is involved in an ongoing review of State law, making recommendations on potential updates to legislative measures and producing written reports and proposals in areas identified for reform. The site publishes information about the current commissioners, staff and projects. Notes and documentation resulting from past projects (including those on adoption laws and confidentiality of medical records) are also made available on the site in HTML format.

Manitoba Law Reform Commission

Website for the Manitoba Law Reform Commission, established as an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba, Canada. The Commission's duties, stated on the site are "to inquire into and consider any matter relating to law in Manitoba with a view to making recommendations for the improvement, modernization and reform of law". The site describes current projects and matters under review by the Commission. Details of the Commission's members with biographical sketches are presented on the site.

California Law Revision Commission

Website of the Law Revision Commission in the US State of California. The site provides general information about the Commission, its members and their work, with contact details, agenda for meetings, public comments, project and study listings with status table, catalogue, publications and press releases. The site contains a collection of completed reports for downloading in PDF including tentative recommendations and background studies.

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