law reform

Law Commission publications

A BAILII database providing access to reports and consultation papers published by the Law Commission, which reviews the law of England and Wales. Publications are provided from 1965 onwards in pdf or html format and can be browsed by title/date, or searched by key word. There is also a link to the Law Commission website.

NCSC International

Website of the international arm of the independent American organisation, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). NCSC International provides technical support and training to courts in other areas of the world, seeking to improve the quality and administration of justice and strengthen the rule of law. The site gives an overview of NCSC International's programmes in different parts of the world and provides reports and videos about a small number of them.

Law Reform Commission of Tanzania

Official website of the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania whose role is to keep under review all aspects of the law in Tanzania. Gives historical information about the Commission, lists the Commissioners and provides position papers, reports, discussion papers and other publications. Also includes a collection of Tanzanian laws from 2004 to 2010. There are Kiswahili and English versions of the site, but much of the documentation provided is in English only.

Arts Law Centre of Australia

The Arts Law Centre of Australia is a national community legal centre. It provides legal and business advice and referral services, professional development resources and advocacy for artists and art organisations. Advice and information is given on matters including contracts, copyright, business names and structures, defamation, insurance and employment. Publications provided on the website include information sheets, the quarterly newsletter, ART+Law, and sample contracts and letters.

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