intellectual property

Canadian Trademarks Database

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office's Canadian Trademarks Database enables users to search for all active and many inactive trademarks in Canada along with words and designs that are not strictly trademarks. Keywords can be used in a variety of search fields including owner name, trademark description and registration number. Trademarks can also be searched by date, category and status. Records can be downloaded in full and there is guidance on searching the database. Users can search either an English or French language version of the same database.

Canadian Patents Database

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office's Canadian Patents Database provides access to patent descriptions and images from 1869 to the present day. The database contains over 2 million patent documents which can be searched for using either keywords, the patent document number, a boolean search or an advanced field-specific search strategy. Users can search either an English or French language version of the same database. For patents granted prior to 15th August 1978, the text of the abstracts and claims is not available.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Official website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), which is a Special Operating Agency associated with the government department Industry Canada. The CIPO is responsible for the administration and processing of much of the intellectual property in Canada and has official responsibilities in regard to patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies.

WIPO administered treaties

Section of the official World Intellectual Property Organisation website, publishing treaties and conventions administered by the Organisation, including the convention establishing WIPO, WIPO copyright treaty, Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Rome Convention, Madrid Agreement and Locarno Agreement. The collection is organised into three groups including intellectual property protection treaties, global protection system treaties and classification treaties which create the classification systems that organise information relating to inventions, trademarks and industrial designs etc.


Website of specialist IP law firm, R.G. C. Jenkins & Co. , whose head office is in London. The News and Publications section includes reports, factsheets, briefings and a newsletter called Patent Issues, together with links to UK IP legislation.

Gazette du Palais

Web pages of the Gazette du Palais, the French law journal and current awareness service for the legal profession in France. The printed Gazette has been in publication since 1881. Features of the website include the "fonds documentaire", the "s?lection gazette", and the "copies d'arr?ts". To gain full access, a subscription is needed. The site is in French throughout.

Journal of Intellectual Property

Website of the Journal of Intellectual Property, published 3 times a year by students at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. The journal began in Spring 1999 and provides full text articles from this date onwards. The journal aims to include articles on copyright, patents, trademark law, and trade secrets. The website offers pages on intellectual property issues, which summarise news, cases and developments on these subjects, with links where possible to full-text of cases and statutes.

Cardozo arts and entertainment law journal

The Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal was founded in 1982, and is currently published three times each academic year by students of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, under the aegis of the Cardozo Intellectual Property Law Program. Articles are published on entertainment law and related areas including First Amendment law, telecommunications law, sport law, and all areas of intellectual property law. The website includes tables of contents from volume 1 (1982) onwards and full-text access to most articles.

Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

This is the website for Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, published quarterly by the Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries of the American Bar Association. The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavours to provide current, practical information as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.

Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law

The Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law (JSTL) is an electronic journal available in full-text (PDF) online. The journal is published twice a year. It features articles, notes and legal updates, publishing practical scholarship from experts in the areas of biotechnology, computers and communications, intellectual property, technology transfer and business law for technology-based companies. JSTL is edited by students at the Boston University School of Law examining all aspects of the relationship between science, technology and the law.

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