intellectual property

Rethinking Music: a briefing book

This publication by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University consists of papers presented at the Rethink Music Conference in April 2011. The book is on music law and policy, focusing on changes to the music industry brought about by the shift to online music consumption. There are papers dealing with cloud-based music services, music rights clearances and public media and voluntary payment models.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the UN agency responsible for the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights worldwide and for the administration of multilateral IP treaties. Its website contains the full text of all the treaties administered by WIPO, with status information; arbitration decisions relating to domain names; a database of national IP laws (WIPO-Lex); and a patents database.

Primary sources on copyright (1450 to 1900)

This website is provided by the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge. It covers the evolution of copyright law in Britain, Germany, France, Italy and the United States from 1450 to 1900. Documents available on the site include statutes, judicial decisions, contracts, treatises and privileges; for each one users can view the digital image, a transcription, commentary and, in some cases, a translation. The database can be searched by keyword or browsed by legislation, case law, institution, place or person.

WIPO Reference

Portal to the World Intellectual Property Organization's collections of intellectual property resources and information. From this page is is possible to search the following databases: PATENTSCOPE (national and international patent information); Brands (various trademark databases); classifications of patents, marks and designs; domain name dispute information; national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO and UN Members; international registrations of industrial designs and the full text of WIPO standards, recommendations and guidelines.

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section

Website maintained by the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the United States Department of Justice. This freely accessible site aims to be a clearinghouse for legal information relating to computer crime and intellectual property crime. The site provides information on cyber-crime, news updates highlighting recent additions to the site and links to recent documents. There are sections focusing on computer crime, intellectual property and electronic evidence.

Institute for Information Law

Web pages for a research facility based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam. The site explains the aims, work and fields of study undertaken at the Institute. Research teams explore the legal issues relating to intellectual property, industrial property, freedom of information and expression, privacy, media law, telecommunications, advertising and consumer law, and e-commerce on a private and commissioned basis. Research papers and other publications on these topics are published online on the site.

Mexican Trademark and Copyright Law as it applies to E-Commerce

An online research guide focusing on industrial property, trademark and copyright laws relating to electronic commerce in Mexico. The guide, prepared by Jose-Juan Mendez, a local partner of Baker & McKenzie in Mexico City, provides commentary supplemented by a selection of links to sources available on the internet. The author describes trademark and copyright measures in Mexican law and outlines the risk of using trademarks and copyrights in e-commerce and the Internet.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Economic Law

International economic law chapter of the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. The chapter, written and compiled by Jean M. Wenger who is Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, provides an overview and commentary supported by links to websites. It identifies resources related to: international trade, international financial law, regional economic integration, international development law, private international law, international business regulation and intellectual property law.

Website designed by M. Hamel-Smith and Co., attorneys-at-law in Trinidad and Tobago. The site offers guidance and legal source materials relating to basic facts on doing business in Trinidad and Tobago, company law, intellectual property, tax and e-commerce. Guidance is given in the form of FAQs. Profiles are given of attorneys and there are links to related legal sites in the Caribbean. Copies of the Forum a newsletter giving legal news and updates for Trinidad and Tobago is downloadable in PDF.

Entertainment Law Resources for Film, TV and Multimedia Producers

This site is compiled by Mark Litwak, a lawyer based in California and specialising in entertainment law. It was originally established in 1995. It includes a series of articles and advice written by Mark Litwak on various aspects of film making and multimedia. There is a blog with regular topical posts. And links to information about books and software, FAQs, and a directory of film festivals.

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