intellectual property

Patent and Trademark Office of the Principality of Andorra

Website of the Patent and Trademark Office of the Principality of Andorra (OMPA) the government department with responsibility for intellectual property matters. The site provides access to full-text intellectual property laws made freely available in English in PDF. These include laws relating to trade names and company names, establishment signs, copyright issues and patents. There are also regulations and guidance to obtaining an ".ad" domain name and laws relating to the use of state emblems and signs.

Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is the official body with responsibility for industrial property protection covering inventions, industrial designs and trademarks in Slovakia. The site has sections devoted to the various types of industrial property including patents, utility models, designs, topographies of semiconductor products and trademarks. Each section has background information, legislation, guidance for applicants and a link to the relevant database.


The WATCH File (Writers, Artists, and Their Copyright Holders) is a database providing contact details for copyright holders who have unpublished material in libraries in North America and the United Kingdom. WATCH is aimed at scholars who may wish to use this material. The database is produced jointly by the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at The University of Texas and the University of Reading Library. WATCH is searchable by name and a number of search tips are provided.

International Portal of the University of Alicante on Intellectual Property and Information Society

This website is produced by the Law Faculty of the University of Alicante in Spain. It covers industrial and intellectual property law and the information society and is aimed at researchers, students, and professionals. The site provides a database of national, international and European Union legislation (in the original language) and a set of links to other relevant websites.

IP Watchdog

IP Watchdog is a website providing information on intellectual property, internet and antitrust law. The site is produced by Gene Quinn, a patent attorney and professor of law, and focuses on United States law. There are sections dealing with different aspects of patent, copyright and trademark law, inventions and confidentiality agreements. There is a section aimed at businesses and one providing advice on Patent Bar exams. The inventions section provides guidance on the patent and invention process and intellectual property issues.


LawTroves are a selection of legal resource guides compiled by United States law firm Swiggart & Agin, LLC. The guides are focused on Massachusetts law and cover bankruptcy, corporate law, real estate and trademark and domain names. Each LawTrove provides access to FAQs, legislation, organisations, reading lists and other legal resources.

Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

The website of the Hungarian Patent Office provides guidance and legal information on obtaining patents and trademarks in Hungary. Copies of Hungarian laws and regulations are provided online along with contact details of Hungarian patent agents. The site also includes information on plant variety protection, utility model protection, trademarks, designs and copyright issues in Hungary. The Hungarian Industrial Property Database, which has information on patents, utility models, trademarks and designs protected in Hungary, is free to search on the site.

Intellectual Property Society

Web pages of the Intellectual Property Society, a membership organisation whose purpose is to, "increase public awareness of, and participation in, the evolution of intellectual property rights and emerging technologies." The Ipsociety organises events and forums, details of which, appear on the site.The 'readings' section of the site presents articles and presentations by members of the Society which can be viewed in PDF format.

South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law

Website of the South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law (SAIIPL) an organisation established in 1954 to represent patent agents and trade mark practitioners practising in South Africa. The site has information about SAIIPL including a copy of the Institute's Constitution, Code of Ethics and Regulations. Background information, explaining basic intellectual property terms, is given on the site There is also a register of members including contact details.


Website of Babbé, a Guernsey law firm specialising in commercial law and litigation, trust and company law and insolvency. The Library section of the site (available via the Corporate and Commercial, Trust and Fiduciary, and Insolvency pages) has a collection articles produced by the firm about relevant aspects of Guernsey law. The Private Client Services section provides guides to wills, probate, inheritance and guardianship in Guernsey. There is also a Conveyancing section (linked from Private Client Services), which has guides to aspects of Guernsey property law

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