intellectual property

International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Non-profit organisation dedicated to the development of intellectual property laws. Founded in 1897, AIPPI is a global association for IP lawyers, patent and trademark professionals, judges, engineers and scientists. It carries out studies of national legislation and makes recommendations for harmonisation of laws at the international level. The AIPPI website includes a library of more than 3,500 publications and provides news and details of the association’s events

China IP Law Update

China IP Law Update is a blog focusing on Chinese intellectual property law, with an emphasis on patent and trademark law. The blog is produced by lawyers at Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, a US law firm specialising in intellectual property law. Posts cover developments in Chinese IP law and how they might impact foreign companies. The blog dates back to 2019 and posts can be searched by keyword or browsed by category including case, copyright, domain, patents, trademarks and unfair competition.

Anti-Counterfeiting Group

Website of the Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG) an international  membership organisation representing businesses, brand owners, specialist lawyers and trademark agents. The ACG works with UK, EU and international governments and law enforcement agencies to tackle crime in counterfeit and pirated goods. There is information about the work of the ACG, news and events and a directory of members. Information guides are given on the dangers of fakes, intellectual property crime and proceeds of crime.

International Trademark Association

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a membership body representing brand owners, businesses, law firms and related trademark and intellectual property professionals. The INTA works to foster effective IP laws and policies worldwide. The website has a range of resources including model laws and guidelines, articles, research reports, podcasts and legal updates. There is also guidance aimed at SMEs and consumers focusing on registering and protecting trademarks and counterfeiting. Some of the content on the site is restricted to members only.

Tech Law Blog

A blog written by law professionals from A&L Goodbody LLP, detailing current affairs concerning intellectual property and technology law in judicial, government and legislative bodies in Ireland. Information such as judgments, appointment announcements, and commentaries on intellectual property and technology law are available, as well as posts containing updates on access to material. For instance, publications of acts are announced along with links and short summaries. No registration required, and available in English only.

Law blog by Dr Eoin O’Dell, Fellow and Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin law school. Covers topics including contract, restitution, freedom of expression, media, intellectual property and IT/internet law. Discusses newsworthy Irish law matters, but is otherwise not confined to writing about the law of O’Dell’s home jurisdiction.

UK Copyright Literacy

Copyright blog run by Chris Morrison, Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent, and Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London. The blog is intended for non-lawyers with an interest in copyright literacy and copyright education. As well as blog posts, the site provides details of research into copyright literacy and information relating to Secker and Morrison’s book, ‘Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners’ (2nd edn, Facet Publishing, 2016), including an open-access chapter, ‘Copyright education and training’.

Global Brand Database

The Global Brand Database is an online resource made freely available by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It is intended to be the first step in researching whether a trade mark already exists. The database includes trademarks, appellations of origin, armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems protected in various countries around the world. The names, abbreviations and emblems of intergovernmental organisations are also included.

British Library Patents Collection

This page forms part of the Business and IP section of the British Library’s website and provides guidance on using the patent library. There is information on early English patents and a list of patent resources (some available online) held at the BL. There is also guidance on what constitutes a patent, how to gain patent protection and what rights a patent gives.

Copyright Tribunal of Australia

Website of the Australian Copyright Tribunal which is an independent body administered by the Federal Court of Australia. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction covers statutory and voluntary copyright licences and the site includes full text decisions back to 1981. There is also a list of Tribunal members and links to Australian copyright legislation and other intellectual property resources.

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