
Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)

The Tribunal's jurisdiction includes rating appeals, land compensation, taxation appeals concerning land and blight notice references. The website has information about the Tribunal, including a link to a database of decisions and a list of appeals from the Lands Chamber to the Court of Appeal. An online guide explains the role of the Tribunal along with a copy of the Lands Tribunal Rules 1996 and the Practice Directions. Statutory forms are presented in PDF format.

Malaysian Courts

Website of the Malaysian Chief Registrar's Office the body with responsibility for the administration of the Malaysian courts. The site provides background information to the role of the Chief Registrar's Office and the court system in Malaysia. There is a detailed description of the Federal Court covering the constitution, history and status of the court. There are profiles of members of the judiciary and contact details for the different courts.

State of Israel Judicial Authority

Official website of the Supreme Court of Israel, available in Hebrew and English. The site describes the role and function of the courts and the judiciary. A selection Supreme Court judgements is available on the site in PDF format. There is historical background information and guidance on the court system, covering the Supreme Court, District Courts, Magistrates' Courts and Juvenile Courts, along with the various tribunals. There is also information about individual judges.

Supreme Court Forecasting Project

The Supreme Court Forecasting Project is based at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. The project looks at "the accuracy of the different ways in which legal experts and political scientists assess and predict Supreme Court decision making". During the Court's 2002 term two methods of predicting the votes of judges were compared. One used a statistical forecasting model and the other used forecasts provided by legal experts. The site provides all the forecasts for 2002. The study has been published in the May 2004 issue of the Columbia Law Review.

New South Wales Land and Environment Court

The New South Wales Land and Environment Court (LEC) is a specialist court dealing with environmental, development, building and planning disputes. There is information about the court including a list of judges and commissioners and a selection of information sheets which can be downloaded in Word or HTML. The site includes information about the LEC's jurisdiction and provides links to full-text laws that grant the Court jurisdiction.

Family Court of Australia

Official website of the Family Court of Australia who describe their purpose as "facilitating the resolution of disputes arising from family separation". The site has information about the court including administrative details such as court lists, fees, downloadable forms and case management directions. There is advice aimed at the general public dealing with issues such as divorce, separation, children, property and money matters and a selection of online brochures dealing with mediation services, parental responsibility and maintenance procedure.

High Court of Australia Library

Website providing information about the library and collections of the High Court of Australia. Access is given to the Library's online catalogue and a selection of library publications. The Monthly List of Acquisitions providing details of new titles added to the library in the last month and a list of the library's serials are both made available as PDF documents. A link to the library's High Court Bulletin on the AustLII website includes a record of cases reserved and cases granted or refused special leave.

Children's Hearings Scotland

Children's Hearings is a website of the Scottish Government providing information about the care and justice system for children in Scotland. The site provides background information to the Children 's Hearings System with particular sections aimed at children and families. Copies of Children's Hearings procedures are available to download in PDF. Additional materials provided include, annual reports, seminar reports, learning resource packs, a copy of the Kilbrandon Report and links to related websites.

Courts and Tribunals in Belgium

Website of the Belgium courts and tribunals covering the administration of justice in Belgium. It gives contact details and background information for Belgian courts including the Cour de Cassation, Cours d'Appel, Cours du Travail and various tribunals.  There is also general information for the public about the law and the judicial system in Belgium. The site is available in French, Dutch or German.

Recommendations of the Irish Labour Court

Database of Recommendations made freely available by the Irish Labour Court (An Chuirt Oibreachais) an industrial relations tribunal which deals with disputes concerning industrial relations, minimum wage and equality issues in Ireland. All the cases are grouped into 4 categories- dispute type, legislative type, case number and alphabetically by party. This enables you to locate cases by searching or browsing. Dispute type organises cases under subject headings such as overtime, harassment, pensions and working time.

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