
Sentencing Council

The Sentencing Council website provides information on the work of the  Sentencing Council for England and Wales. This body "promotes greater consistency in sentencing, whilst maintaining the independence of the judiciary". There is information on sentencing guidelines, the Sentencing Code and how sentencing works. There is also guidance on going to court and the sentences handed down for common offences. 


Judicial System Monitoring Committee

The Judicial System Monitoring Committee (JSMP) was set up in 2001 to improve the judicial and legislative system in Timor-Leste. Activities include court monitoring and the production of reports on the development of the judicial system. The site has news stories relating to Timor-Leste and an archive going back to 2001. There are full-text monitoring reports on the work of the Court of Appeal, the District Court in Dili and on specific cases. Other reports look at the state of the Timor-Leste justice sector, human rights in court administration and the right to appeal.

Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa

Official website of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa. The site gives background and historical information about the court including brief details of judges and a collection of speeches delivered by the Chief Justice. Full text judgements of the Court are available online back to 1999. These can be browsed by date or name. The Court's bulletin gives information on judgements reserved, cases enrolled for hearing and appeals disposed of without written reasons.The Court roll, practice directions and a page of related web links are also provided.

European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters

The European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters is an EU website providing information for those involved in cross-border litigation in Europe. The site includes contact details for courts in EU member states and guidance relating to the service of documents, taking of evidence and the recognition and enforcement of judgments. There is a collection of forms that can be completed online. Although the site is concerned with civil and commercial litigation, there is also a link to information about compensation for victims of crime.

Scottish Land Court

The Scottish Land Court is based in Edinburgh and deals with farming and agricultural tenancy disputes. The site provides historical information about the court and links to legislation establishing the court's jurisdiction. There is information on making an application to the court and the appropriate forms are available to download. Details of hearings, court fees and rules and practice notices are also given.

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster a fair, accessible and effective civil justice system. Its website has information about research programmes, including reports by the Forum's Action Committee. There is an inventory of civil justice reforms in Canada from 1950 onwards (with links to relevant documents), a blog, a bibliography (with links) called the 'Clearinghouse' and a newsletter. The site can be viewed in English or French.

Land Claims Court of South Africa Decisions

A SAFLII database containing selected full-text decisions of the Land Claims Court of South Africa. Decisions are available from 1996 onwards and can be browsed alphabetically or by date. The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) is a collaborative project of the Wits Law School in South Africa and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) providing free South African legal information. The decisions are also available on the Land Claims Court of South Africa website.

Civil Court Users Association

Web pages of the Civil Court Users Association (CCUA) which represents organisations and individuals using the Civil Courts in England and Wales. Many CCUA members form part of the credit industry in particular public utilities, banks, finance houses and law firms. The website provides background information to the CCUA including the aims and objectives of the Association. Copies of the CCUA's Memorandum and Articles of Association and a selection of FAQs are also available online. Parts of the site can be accessed by members only.

Federal Courts Law Review

The Federal Courts Law Review (FCLR) is published by the Federal Magistrate Judges Association (FMJA) which is based in the United States. The FCLR is an online legal journal providing scholarly articles written by academics, judges and legal practitioners focused on the federal courts. Articles and reviews are listed online in the order in which they were posted. The abstracts are presented in HTML, with full text available in pdf format for more recent articles. The FCLR was established in 1997 and articles are available online back to 1998. There is also a site search engine.

Federal Magistrate Judges Association

Website of the Federal Magistrate Judges Association (FMJA) a membership organisation which represents US Magistrate Judges appointed to serve in the United States district courts. The site gives background information to the role of Magistrate Judges and a selection of statistics relating to their work. There is also information on becoming a law clerk, a link to the FMJA's online publication, Federal Courts Law Review and a page of external web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

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