United Kingdom

Scottish Information Commissioner

The Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) hears appeals regarding Scottish FoI requests and provides information to the public about information rights in Scotland. The SIC website has information about the work of the commissioner and provides guidance, the relevant legislation, appeal decisions and a list of current appeal applications. 

Dog Law

Website covering different aspects of the law relating to dogs in England and Wales. The site is produced by specialist solicitors Cooper & Co. It provides information and guidance about the law relating to dogs, as well as details of seminars for lawyers and dog owners.

Children's Hearings Scotland

Children's Hearings is a website of the Scottish Government providing information about the care and justice system for children in Scotland. The site provides background information to the Children 's Hearings System with particular sections aimed at children and families. Copies of Children's Hearings procedures are available to download in PDF. Additional materials provided include, annual reports, seminar reports, learning resource packs, a copy of the Kilbrandon Report and links to related websites.

Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) was set up in 1999 to look at cases involving possible miscarriages of justice. The website describes the work of the SCCRC, provides a description of Commission's statutory powers and case statistics. There is advice on how to apply to the SCCRC and a downloadable form. Brief details are given of cases referred to the High Court by the SCCRC along with links to relevant High Court opinions. The site also has a selection of case studies and information surrounding the legal issues affecting the work of the SCCRC.

Addleshaw Goddard

Website of law firm Addleshaw Goddard who have offices in London, Leeds and Manchester. The site provides information about the firm including brief financial details and profiles of partners and directors. The firm's practice areas covering commercial, corporate, employment and litigation, finance and projects, private capital and real estate are outlined. A selection of briefings, podcasts, newsletters and other publications are available in full text online. These provide news of key legal and industry developments covering the practice areas of the firm.

Scottish Council of Law Reporting

Website of the Scottish Council of Law Reporting, a non-profit company made up of Scottish judges, advocates and solicitors, whose purpose is to manage the publication of its Session Cases law report series and other materials. The site gives subscription information for the Sessions Cases which can be accessed online and in hard copy. There is a comprehensive collection of legal links focussing on the law in Scotland and organised by subject.

Social Care Law Journals

Website of Arden Davies Publishing, legal publishers specialising in the law applicable to the public sector in England and Wales. Contains sample issues of the following journals: Social Care Law Today; The Review of Mental Health Law and Practice; Journal of Community Care Law and Practice; The Journal of Public Childcare Law and Practice; Journal of Social Housing Law and Practice; Journal of Welfare Benefits Law and Practice.

Shareholder Rights

The Shareholder Rights website is made freely available online by Brabners Chaffe Street a firm of solicitors based in the North West of England. The site contains guidance relating to the legal position of shareholders in a Private Limited Company and includes information about the structure of a company and the role of directors, company secretaries and shareholders. Advice is also given on shareholder disputes, how to value shareholdings and how to sell shares in a Private Limited Company.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) deals with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the blameless victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales. CICA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. Its webpages, hosted by the official website Gov.UK, gives access to its reports and other publications.

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