United Kingdom

On Divorce

Website of On Divorce an online guide aimed at people experiencing divorce and separation. The guide provides annotated links to websites, case studies and articles supplying information and advice on topics relating to divorce and separation. The section on legal advice has links to resources providing legal information, legislation related to divorce and separation and sites dealing with benefits, child support and pensions. There are summaries of press articles, recommended books and guides, and a legal advice helpline.

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

The Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations is produced by the University of Cardiff. It is a database of abbreviations of English language and selected foreign language legal publications including law reports, law journals and major treatises. The search engine allows titles to be searched using any keywords appearing in the title of the publication and abbreviations can be searched using all or part of the abbreviation. Results provide the official abbreviation, alternative abbreviations, the ISSN and the jurisdiction to which the publication belongs.

One Brick Court

One Brick Court is a barristers' chambers specialising in libel and media law. The website provides information about the chambers' practice areas (which include data protection, privacy, defamation, freedom of expression and human rights) and profiles of One Brick Court's barristers. The site has a news section which provides summaries of the latest cases covering different aspects of media law and articles written by members of the chambers. There is also information on pupillage and a page of links to relevant websites.

Free Representation Unit

Web pages of the Free Representation Unit (FRU), a charitable organisation founded in 1972 to provide free legal representation to people who cannot afford to pay. The FRU represents individuals at tribunals including Employment Tribunals, Employment Appeal Tribunal, Social Security and Child Support Appeals Tribunals; it also deals with some immigration and criminal injury compensation cases. The website has information on how the FRU operates and provides employment and social security advice. There is also information about how to obtain legal advice.


Online version of the Artlaw column which is published in Art Monthly and made freely available on the Artquest website. The column is written by barrister Henry Lydiate and deals with legal issues affecting artists. The archive can be browsed by subject. Subjects covered include contracts, money, studios, copyright issues, censorship and publication rights. Each subject heading has an introduction and a list of links to the relevant articles. Articles date back to 1976 and are presented in full-text in HTML format.


The Advicenow resource guide brings together information on the law and rights in England and Wales from a wide range of advice and information services. The website gives access to a searchable database of hand-picked links to information on over 200 websites. Information is arranged into broad subject headings including benefits, communications, consumer affairs, education and training, employment, environment and countryside, families, government, law and rights, health and social care, housing and homelessness, immigration, money and tax, police and crime and transport.

Journal of Criminal Law

Website of the academic Journal of Criminal Law (JCL) which is published 6 times a year by Vathek Publishing in the Isle of Man. JCL is aimed at practitioners and academics providing "detailed analysis of what is happening in the courts - at every level from magistrates' court right up to the House of Lords and the European Court of Human Rights". The journal provides case notes, commentary and articles with contents pages and abstracts for the current issue. The site has contact details for the editors and the editorial board along with a page of Web links.

Competition Appeal Tribunal

Website of the United Kingdom Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) a specialist judicial body whose function "is to hear and decide appeals and other applications or claims involving competition or economic regulatory issues". The site provides details of the Tribunal's current and archived cases. There is a brief description of what stage the case is currently at along with the associated documents such as the notice of application and transcript of public hearing. There is also a section bringing together all the judgements handed down by the CAT.

London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association

Website of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association (LCCSA) an organisation founded in 1948 whose members are Solicitors who practise in and around the Greater London area. The site has information about the association, contact details of officers and a directory of members. There is a selection of responses to consultation papers from the Government and the Law Commission representing the LCCSA's point of view on issues such as very high cost cases and managing people with severe personality disorder. These are available in HTML.

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