United Kingdom

Bar European Group

Website of the Bar European Group (BEG), a specialist bar association of the Bar of England and Wales relevant for those practising or interested in European law and issues surrounding the European Union. The site gives information about BEG's activities, details of events and other relevant material. The site also has membership information and a page of related Web links.

Professional Negligence Bar Association

The Professional Negligence Bar Association (PNBA) is an organisation open to members of the Bar with an interest in "ethics, discipline, regulatory control and public law accountability." The site provides brief details about the PNBA including contact information for officers, details of past and forthcoming events, news items and a page of relevant web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales

Final report of the Legal Services Review which was set up under Sir David Clementi to undertake a review of the regulation of legal services in England and Wales by the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs in July 2003. The final report was published in December 2004 and is linked to on the National Archives website. Key recommendations of the report include a new regulatory framework, a new complaints system and the establishment of alternative business structures designed to eliminate restrictive practices within the legal profession.

Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC), an independent non-departmental public body set up in 2005 to select candidates for judicial office. The site has information about the role and history of the Commission and biographical details of the Commissioners. Publications relating to the work of the JAC are available on the site including a business plan and a framework document. There are speeches, news items and details of events. A page describing the selection process is also provided on the site.

Solicitors Journal

Website of the Solicitors Journal a weekly subscription journal for the legal profession which is available in hard copy and online. Solicitors Journal has legal news, articles, comment and analysis and recent cases. Content is also arranged by subject areas including property, civil litigation, commercial law, crime and private client issues such as wills, family, pensions and trusts. Articles are archived back to November 2002 and can be searched by keyword and date.

The Lawyer.com

Online version of The Lawyer magazine, which is produced by business publishing company Centaur Holdings. The site is aimed at the legal profession and includes legal news, feature articles, analysis and business information. Content can be browsed by region and practice area and there are headings for in-house and public service, practice management, law firms and the Bar, jobs and education and training. A number of special supplements and details of awards and events are also provided. A searchable archive extending back to 1994 is also available

Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities

The Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) is a style guide and legal citation system devised by the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford , now in its fourth edition. OSCOLA is available on the Faculty's website in pdf format, together with a quick reference guide. It covers abbreviations, cases, legislation, books, articles, online sources and other materials; it also provides guidance on presentation and cross-referencing.

DMC's Case Notes

Website produced by David Martin-Clark who is a Shipping, Transport and Insurance Consultant. The site provides a selection of case notes covering recent shipping and insurance cases. Case notes include citations, keywords and summaries. Shipping cases are further sub-divided by topics such as admiralty, arbitration and carriage of goods. New case notes can be emailed if you register on the site. There are also biographical details relating to David Martin-Clark and information on other contributors.

Church of England Legal Services

Website of the Church of England Legal Office who provide professional legal services to National Church Institutions of the Church of England. The website has a list of Church Assembly and General Synod Measures back to 1920 along with Statutory Instruments relating to the Church of England back to 1964. The site also has a copy of the Canons of the Church of England which can be viewed in full in PDF format. A selection of FAQs provide information on ecclesiastical land and the General Synod.

Ecclesiastical Law Society

Website of the Ecclesiastical Law Society (ELS), an organisation established in 1987 to promote the study of ecclesiastical and canon law. The site outlines the aims of the Society and gives details of its events and publications, including the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. The book, 'The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion' can be downloaded in pdf format, free of charge. To accompany the book, the site provides a bibliography, details of selected cases and links to Church resolutions and other official documents.

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