Information Society Project

Website of the Information Society Project (ISP), a research project managed by the Yale Law School. The ISP is concerned with the "implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society, guided by the values of democracy, human development, and social justice". Research programmes look at digital education, law and genomics and intellectual property reform and innovation. Papers prepared by research staff can be downloaded in full-text PDF.

Tulane Maritime Law Journal

The Tulane Maritime Law Journal (ISSN 1048-3748), formerly The Maritime Lawyer, is a student-edited journal published twice a year by Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. The journal features articles by faculty members, students and practitioners discussing US and international maritime law topics. The website provides all the contents lists from volume 1 (1975) to volume 37 (2013), together with cumulative indexes by title and subject.

Drug Courts

The Spotlight on Drug Courts presents documents and information on drug court initiatives in the United States. Drug courts are defined as special courts handling "cases involving drug-addicted offenders through an extensive supervision and treatment program." These pages are presented as part of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) website. A summary considers the background, ethos and goals of drug courts. Goals include reducing recidivism, reducing substance abuse among participants, and rehabilitating participants.

First Amendment Handbook

Electronic version of a handbook outlining provisions and interpretations of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, free speech, free press and rights of assembly and petition in the United States.

WEX : LII's collaborative legal dictionary and encyclopedia

Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It comprises a series of guidance summaries on legal topics in United States law, sponsored by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School and made freely available on the LII website. Broad topics covered by the series include: Commercial law; Criminal law and Criminal procedure; Employment; Energy; Intellectual Property; International law; Legal ethic; and Tax.

Penn State Law Review

Web pages for a US law school journal focusing on international legal scholarship, and published 4 times a year. The Penn State Law Review (formerly Dickinson Law Review) is edited by students at the Dickinson Law School in Pennsylvania State University, drawing contributions from legal academics and professional lawyers from around the world. The journal publishes articles on international legal issues and transnational matters, with some coverage of legal developments in individual foreign jurisdictions. The law school website presents contents listings for the past six years only.

Anti-money Laundering Efforts in the Securities Industry

Report on investigations into anti money laundering efforts in the United States securities industry, carried out by the US General Accounting Office (GAO) and published on their website. The GAO is a non-partisan agency within the legislative branch of the US government, established by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 with a remit to independently audit government agencies.

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