Annual Survey of American Law

Website of the online legal journal Annual Survey of American Law which is a student edited journal of the New York University School of Law . The journal was established in 1942 and is concerned with "exploring contemporary legal developments in the United States". The link is to the current issue, but other recent issues back to 1999 are also available online. The journal organises and publishes proceedings from an annual symposium covering particular topics such as law and the media, church and the state, U.S. immigration and the future of public education.

Animal Legal and Historical Web Center

Website of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center which is a project based at the Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law. The site provides free access to primary legal materials and guides to the law. US laws and cases are arranged by state or subject. Subjects covered include animal rights, dog fighting and exotic pets. There is also information on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The emphasis of the site is on U.S law but it includes legal materials from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malawi, Poland and Taiwan.

AAAS Science and Human Rights Program

Website of the Science and Human Rights Program established in 1976 as a unit of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Directorate for Science and Policy Programs. The SHR "works with scientists to 'advance science and serve society' through human rights". The Science and Human Rights Newsletter is available free to those who register, and full details of other publications are provided. There are links to all ongoing and completed projects that the SHR Program is involved with.

ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section

Website of the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) which is a section of the American Bar Association. The site has organisational information including details of committees, events, discussion groups and membership information. There is a list of recently published books and separate sections aimed at young lawyers and students. Details are given of TIPS journals along with full text (PDF) access to TortSource the TIPS newsletter.

American Tort Reform Association

The Washington D.C.-based American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) is dedicated to reforming the law of tort and liability. Documents available on the site include a record of tort reform in individual states and facts about the tort system and its impact on the US economy. The ATRA's annual report is also provided, detailing litigation abuse in US states. The site also features background information about class actions, medical liability and punitive damages. There are also press releases and a section providing brief summaries of 'loony lawsuits'.

Tribal Court Clearinghouse

Website of the Tribal Court Clearinghouse which is produced by the Tribal Law Policy Institute and acts as a resource for "American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country." The site contains links to articles, Tribal Court decisions, Supreme Court Indian Decisions, relevant Federal laws and agencies and pending Federal legislation.

U.S. Department of Justice : Office of Tribal Justice

Official website of the Office of Tribal Justice which was "established to provide a single point of contact within the Justice Department for meeting the broad and complex federal responsibilities owed to Indian tribes." Background information on the role and functions of the OTJ along with a selection of statements from the the Attorney General and the White House on American Indian issues and press releases relating to tribal matters.

American Immigration Council

The American Immigration Council (formerly the American Immigration Law Foundation) which was founded in 1987 and is based in Washington DC in the United States. Full text copies of the AILF's monthly newsletter are given on the site back to 1999 along with a selection of policy reports on American Immigration. The Legal Action Center provides information aimed at lawyers involved with immigration litigation including practice advisories (practical guides to certain aspects of immigration law), briefs and other legal resources.


CyberCemetery is an online archive of US government websites and publications. The site is organised jointly by University of North Texas Libraries and the U.S. Government Printing Office and forms part of the Federal Depository Library Program. Links to the archived sites are organised alphabetically and by subject. 

U.S. Courts : The Federal Judiciary

Official website of the U.S. Courts which is maintained by the Administrative Office of the Federal Judiciary. The site explains the role of the Federal Courts as "guardians of the Constitution" and provides background information to the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, District Courts and the Bankruptcy Courts. There are links to all the courts which are arranged by circuit. Documents are provided in PDF format giving details of courts fees and statistics covering the judicial work of the various courts.

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