Association of Corporate Counsel

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the in-house bar association representing attorneys who practice in corporate legal departments. The ACC was established in 1982 and draws its membership from lawyers working in 40 countries around the world. Free information includes a selection of online surveys, statistics and polls dealing with issues affecting in-house counsel and materials on multijurisdictional practice whereby US lawyers can practice in states other than the one in which they are licensed.

Website of (CPBO) which is produced jointly by the Association of Corporate Counsel and the Pro Bono Institute at the Georgetown University Law Center (PBI). The purpose of the initiative is to increase the amount of pro bono work carried out by corporate counsel. The website keeps in-house counsel informed about volunteer opportunities and provides free access to pro bono resources, news items, a directory of mentors and pro bono projects. The CPBO resource library can be searched or browsed.

Crimes Against Children Research Center

Website of the Crimes Against Children Research Center (CCRC) which is based at the University of New Hampshire in the United States. The aim of the CCRC is to "combat crimes against children by providing high quality research and statistics to the public, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners". The site has profiles of researchers, details of publications and links to related websites.

Contracting and Organizations Research Institute

Website of the Contracting and Organizations Research Institute (CORI) which is based at the University of Missouri-Columbia. CORI is concerned with the "study of the organization and structure of economic enterprise and of the effects of legal, political, social, and economic institutions on the structure and performance of economic organizations". The site provides a selection of CORI working papers which are freely available as PDF documents.

American Antitrust Institute

Website of the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) a non-profit research and advocacy organisation, founded in 1998, whose aim is " to increase the role of competition, assure that competition is fair, and challenge unduly concentrated power in the American and world economy". The AAI website provides information about the activities of the Institute with the most recent activities on its home page and older items (back to 1998) in the 'Archives' section.

Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice

The Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) is a non-profit organisation based in California whose aim is to advocate humane criminal justice policy and promote public safety. It is in favour of reduced use of custodial sentences. The website gives details of the CJCJ's work with young offenders which includes model programs, projects and research. There is also information about, and evaluation of, the Center's work dealing with detention diversion, jail services for the homeless and mentally ill and independent living.

Justice Policy Journal

Website of the Justice Policy Journal which is the online journal of the Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) a California based non-profit organisation working with young offenders in the criminal justice system. The journal is aimed at researchers and policymakers providing a forum dealing with current justice issues. The Justice Policy Journal is freely available in full-text on the CJCJ's website. Each article has an abstract presented in HTML along with the full-text presented in PDF format.

The Posse Comitatus Act: a resource guide

Feature article about the Posse Comitatus Act 1878, by Stephen Young, a law librarian at the Catholic University of America. The Act is a US statute which prohibits the use of the Army or Air Force to enforce the law. The article looks at the history of posse comitatus in English and American law and provides background information regarding the application of the Act in the United States. It includes a bibliography of statutes, congressional documents, regulations, landmark judicial decisions and secondary sources.

Website of a site providing articles and legal information on divorce in the United States produced by LawTek Media Group, LLC. Legal resources are arranged by state and contain legislation, judicial opinions, bar associations, articles, bulletin boards and local lawyers. Other topics covered on the site include mediation, insurance, bankruptcy and military divorce. These sections have articles, books, FAQs and links to relevant organisations. Questions relating to divorce can be posted on the site and are answered by divorce, counselling and tax experts.

Senior Law

The Senior Law website is produced by US law firm Goldfarb Abrandt Salzman & Kutzin LLP who specialise in elder law and the rights of the elderly and disabled. The site provides links to legal resources covering elder law, elder abuse and neglect, nursing home law, Medicaid information, Medicare and social security information. There are links to general resources including Federal Courts, federal statutes and regulations, state law links, legal gateways and sites dealing with care of the elderly and geriatrics.

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