European Union


Journal published by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), covering all aspects of European Union administration. Previously on the EIPA website, the journal is now available from 1992 to 2012 from the Archive of European Integration, an online service run by the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. Each article is provided in pdf format.


Full-text journal of the College of the Europe, featuring articles (Some English, some French) based on proceedings of the annual Colloquium in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Brussels. No journal contents prior to 2000. Mainly concerns humanitarian issues such as the Law of War or International Human Rights Law.

Council of the European Union

The Council of the European Union is the principal decision-making body of the EU. It is composed of government ministers from each member atate. The Council's website has a news section and pages devoted to key policy areas. The Documents and Publications section of the site includes an Agreements (treaties) Database and a register of internal documents. Information is provided about Council meetings; Inter-Governmental Conferences, the European Council; and current, past and future holders of the Presidency of the EU.

Community Plant Variety Office

The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) implements and applies the European Community's system for the protection of plant variety rights which "allows intellectual property rights, valid throughout the Community, to be granted for plant varieties". It has been operating since 1995 and is based at Angers in France. Its website gives details of its work; has a section containing the relevant legislation and published decisions of the CPVO's councils and boards of appeal. Application forms for plant variety rights can be downloaded.

European Anti-Fraud Office

The European Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF, was set up in 1999 to ensure the correct use of EU funds and to combat fraud. It also works to prevent counterfeiting of the Euro. The website has links to anti-fraud agencies in EU member states and worldwide; reports; press release and YouTube videos. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.

Secretariat-General of the European Commission

The function of the Secretariat-General (SG) is to support the work of the European Commission and its President. It oversees the correct application of EU laws and coordinates the activities of the Commission Directorates-General. The website includes information about the work of the European Commission, the integration of Bulgaria and Romania and relations between the Commission and other EU institutions.

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)

The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) is a UK-based organisation for both academics and practitioners. It promotes research and the establishment of research networks, provides a forum for debate. The website has a Resources section providing videos, podcasts, blogs, and advice for PhD students and early career researchers.  The Publications section links to the Association's open access journal, Contemporary European Politics, and other journals; it also includes blog posts, and lists recent books by UACES members.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

This is the website of the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Union, which manages the EU fisheries policy and the integrated maritime policy. It links to microsites for fisheries and maritime affairs which include full-text policy documents, legislation, reports and other publications, press releases, speeches and funding opportunities. Some of the publications are downloadable as PDF files.

Aarhus Convention

This page of the European Commission's Environment website is devoted to the Aarhus Convention of 1998, relating to the public right to information about official environmental policy. As well as the text of the Convention, the page provides an overview of the issues involved, EU implementing legislation, studies, details of conferences, news and guidance from the European Commission about access to information, consultation processes and access to justice. Users will also find a useful section covering concise summaries of European environmental policy and regulations.

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