
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe

The Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) is the official representative body for the legal profession in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). It is also a Council of Europe consultative body. The website describes the CCBE's structure and work, lists its member bars and law societies and provides a directory of committee officers. The Documents section includes the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers and position papers on more than 25 subjects, ranging from access to justice and world trade to contract law and VAT.

European Roma Rights Center

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) monitors the human rights situation of Roma in Europe and offers legal defence to Romani victims in cases of human rights abuse. The organisation also publishes news about Romani civil rights and human rights abuses relating to Roma. The ERRC website provides the Center's quarterly newsletter Roma Rights, together with ERRC publications on Roma listed by country, region and theme. The site is in English, with some materials in Romani or Russian.

British Institute of International and Comparative Law

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is a London-based organisation working in the fields of commonwealth law, comparative law, European law, international law and conflict of laws. BIICL was established in 1958, incorporating the Grotius Society and Society of Comparative Legislation. The website describes the institute's aims and activities focusing on the international rule of law and legal order, human rights and the development of international commercial and financial law.


Eucrim is a journal focusing on European criminal law, edited and made freely available online by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. Eucrim is published twice a year and is intended for both practitioners and academics. The site is in English and French and the journal is in English. Users can sign up for free email delivery.

European Society of International Law

Website of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) a membership organisation designed to provide a forum for discussion and facilitate greater interaction between European lawyers on issues of international law. The site provides background information on ESIL including a copy of the constitution, by-laws, special interest groups, details of membership and occasional newsletters. There is information on past and future events hosted by ESIL and a selection of conference reports from past conferences and research forums are published and made freely available on the site.

ECGI's Working Papers in Law

Collection of working papers dealing with the legal aspects of corporate governance, business and finance made freely available by the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), a not for profit organisation conducting research into corporate governance issues. The working papers are written by ECGI Fellows and Research Associates and recent topics have included securities laws, international corporate regimes and civil liability and mandatory disclosure.

Victim Support Europe

Website of Victim Support Europe a network of national victim support organisations in Europe founded in 1990. The site has organisational information including a copy of the constitution and contact details for the member organisations that make up Victim Support Europe.

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