
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

The EFSA is an independent European agency funded by the European Union. It is responsible for both food and feed safety, but is not responsible for EU food legislation. Scientific reports, consultation documents, annual reports and the EFSA Journal (an open-access scientific journal) are available on the EFSA website, together with news items. Policy topics can be browsed via an alphabetical list. The site is available in English, French, German and Italian.


The ECHR blog is written by Antoine Buyse who is associate professor and senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht University. As well as posts providing news and updates on the European Convention on Human Rights the blog provides links to human rights journals, research and other human rights blogs.

Texts adopted by the Congress of local and regional authorities

Collection of legal texts adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) and its forerunner, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. The Congress is an institution of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the texts are on the CoE website. The collection comprises: resolutions and opinions (1957- ); conventions and charters; recommendations (1994 - ); the Council of Ministers' replies to recommendations (2003 - ); and the final declarations adopted at the close of international conferences and meetings.

European Commission for Democracy through Law

The European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice Commission, is a Council of Europe body that was established in 1990. Originally set up to assist Eastern European countries in the re-engineering of their constitutions, it now monitors and provides assistance to countries all around the world and has more than 60 member states. The website outlines the Commission's activities, which include providing advice and training to individual states on constitutional matters, elections and referendums and constitutional justice.

European Civil Aviation Conference

The European Civil Aviation Conference aims to "promote the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system." The site gives details of their activities; integrating new member states from Eastern and Central Europe, safety, security, improving Air Traffic Management and liaising with representatives of the civil aviation industry outside Europe. The news section has press releases, there are details of forthcoming events and a quarterly magazine. These publications and other documentation is in downloadable PDF format.

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing is the Council of Europe's official publisher and this website is its online bookshop. It provides a full catalogue of priced CoE publications, printed and electronic, from the last ten years. Titles are arranged under the following headings: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress, Human Rights, Law, Health, Society, Environment, Population, Local and Regional Democracy, Education, Modern languages, Youth, Culture, Sport, Communication, European issues and Non-official languages. Basic and advanced search facilities are available.

ACI Europe

The ACI is a non-profit organisation of airport operators that aims to represent their interests. Their European region site has details of conferences, news releases and policy statements on matters such as air passenger rights, environmental issues, airport charges and security. There is also an airports database, although advanced search is restricted to ACI members. The site is in English.


Europol is the EU's law enforcement agency, originally founded by the Europol Convention of 1995 but now governed by the Europol Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/794). Europol facilitates the exchange of intelligence in order to prevent terrorism, drug trafficking and other serious international criminal activities. The Europol website describes the work of the agency and provides Europol publications, including the EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report, the Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment and the Internet and Organised Crime Threat Assessment.

Legal Affairs (Nuclear Energy Agency)

The Nuclear Law pages of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The NEA is the OECD body committed to the development of peaceful nuclear energy. The law pages outline the NEA's Legal Affairs' goals and objectives, as well as its programme of work. The "publications" section includes partial access to the Nuclear Law Bulletin, available in PDF in English or French. This bulletin covers developments in nuclear law from almost 60 jurisdictions around the world, including legislation, and legal and administrative decisions. Data is also available.

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