
European Patent Office

The EPO's website has a Law and Practice section which includes the European Patent Convention (EPC), the EPO's Official Journal (OJ), legislation, guidelines and case law. The European Patent Register is also available on the site, together with news, factsheets and other information. The site is available in English, French or German.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly is composed of representatives from the parliaments of the member nations. Its website contains information on the history and work of the Parliamentary Assembly, including monitoring of elections. Press releases are available and also the text of the Parliamentary Assembly's newsletter "The Europeans" from issue 1, 1997 onwards. Information is also provided on Committee meetings with timetables and the list of adopted texts from 1996. The information is available in English or French.

Den norske Helsingforskomite

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and works to promote democracy and human rights within Europe. Its primary activites include the monitoring of parliamentary elections within the OSCE (Office for Security of Central Europe). The website includes the full-text of the Helsinki Committee's reports on parliamentary elections since 1995. These include reports from Albania, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and nations of the former Soviet Union. The text is available in Norwegian or English.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE) is an international organisation concerned with strengthening democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe. The CoE website has information about the history and current work of the Council, including publications, databases, treaties, news, statistics and educational resources.

RePub (EUR Repository)

RePub is the Erasmus University Digital Repository, an open access collection of research literature produced by staff and students at the University in Rotterdam. Categories within the School of Law collection include materials from the Center for Informatics and Law, the Erasmus Center for Law and Society and the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics. There are also sections covering European law and private law and a collection of dissertations. The collection can be browsed by author, title or date or searched by keyword.

European Young Bar Association

Website of the European Young Bar Association (EYBA) an organisation whose purpose is to "encourage links between and to promote the interests and welfare of young lawyers throughout geographical Europe". The EYBA membership includes various young lawyers groups around Europe. There is information about the Association and contact details of committee members. The current issue of EYBA's journal, Eurolawyer is made freely available online in PDF. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Irish Centre for European Law

Website of the Irish Centre for European Law (ICEL) which is based at Trinity College in Dublin. The ICEL is concerned with European Union and European Human Rights law as it affects Ireland. The site provides information about the aims, membership and activities of the Centre. Selected abstracts of conference papers are available free and details are given of publications for sale. A page of Irish web links is also included.

Utrecht Law Review

The Utrecht Law Review is an open-access peer-reviewed journal published by the Law Faculty at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The journal publishes cross-border legal research, covering private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, European and public international law.

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is a Council of Europe human rights body. Its mandate is to monitor the treatment of detainees and prisoners in its member nations in order to protect and promote their human rights. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its operation and activities. It includes press releases, annual reports and reports on individual nations from 1989 to date.

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