Computer and Internet Law

JurPC: Internet-Zeitschrift für Rechtsinformatik

German-language legal information e-journal publishing articles by legal information managers, specialists and practitioners.  Articles cover topics relating to information innovations in law and electronic publishing and services and other online developments relevant to the legal community. The journal is open access and is edited by Professor Dr Maximillian Herberger of the Universität des Saarlandes.


An electronic journal and resource guide concerned with Internet and the legal and regulatory aspects of the global market and information technology, edited by Richard Swetenham. Papers, news stories and links published in the journal, deal with topics such as: copyright, data protection, liability and protection of minors with reference to individual countries worldwide as well as comparative and international perspectives. Articles are linked from headline news stories arranged by date and may be accessed via an alphabetical list of subject categories. (Law Library Resource Exchange) is a free legal technology web journal for legal information professionals. LLRX is edited by Sabrina Pacifici, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland College for Information Studies and Center for Information Policy, and founder and editor of the legal blog, beSpacific. LLRX provides resource guides, feature articles and columns on legal research and technology issues. Articles can be browsed by date, author, column or subject.

Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology

Website of the Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology at the School of Law, University of Washington in Seattle, US. The Center was established to provide leadership in teaching, research and policy analysis in the legal aspects of emerging technologies. In its website, the Center places an emphasis on the role of the consumer in the complex electronic marketplace, and focuses on telecommunications and other policy issues relating to the internet and e-commerce.

Internet Services Providers Association

Website of the Internet Services Providers Association (ISPA), the UK's trade association for internet service providers. The Association's code of practice, selected news items and organisational information are made freely available on the site. A list of current members is presented, including contacts and addresses. There are answers to FAQs about the Internet industry such as cookies, spam, children on the internet and combatting illegal content.

World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center

Internet site for the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center. The Center was established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1994 to offer dispute resolution advisory services, particularly in international commercial disputes between private parties. The site publishes information about the Center, its work in arbitration and mediation and its staff. There are sections offering information on arbitration, mediation, expert determination and domain name dispute resolution. The sections include general information, decisions, fees and rules.

The Federation Against Software Theft

Website of the Federation Against Software Theft (FAST), an organisation set up to protect the intellectual property of software publishers through parliamentary lobbying, education and raising awareness amongst users. The site offers a summary of the main points of the law on software licensing and theft, information on the types of piracy, and answers to frequently asked questions. Guidance on how to make a complaint about infringement and a glossary of terms are included. Other features include information on how to join and a page of related web links.

Stanford Technology Law Review

Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Website of ICANN, a technical coordination body for the internet. It is a non-profit corporation which coordinates the assignment of IP addresses, domain names, and protocol parameters. The site has organisational information, details of staff members and news items including an archive of ICANN's weekly newsletter. There is information on current and past topics the organisation is concerned with, details of committees and working groups and financial information.

Foundation for Information Policy Research

The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) is a UK organisation that works in the area of "... promoting, encouraging, commissioning and conducting research into the present and possible future effects on the general public (including economic, social and moral effects and effects on health and well-being) of developments in information technology ... " The organisation has an independent board of trustees and an advisory council that includes members from both the academic and private sectors.

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