Computer and Internet Law

Legal Technology Insider

Online newsletter looking at legal technology matters and news stories relating to internet, e-commerce and new media developments in the United Kingdom and internationally. The journal is published monthly by UK-based electronic publisher Charles Christian and presents items of news, comment and analysis supplemented by notes on cases of interest. Current issues are available on subscription only but archived issues from 1995 onwards can be freely downloaded from the site. Issues are presented in HTML and PDF.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Study

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was enacted into law in the United States on October 28 1998. Section 104 of the DMCA required the US Copyright Office to carry out this study, which is now published on their website. The study seeks to evaluate the relationship between technological change and copyright law, focusing on copyright related issues such as first sale doctrine, temporary incidental copies and archival copying of computer programmes. Feedback on these issues from the library community, publishers and private citizens forms part of the study. 

Canadian IT Law Association

Website of the Canadian IT Law Association (IT.Can), a professional organisation for Canadian information technology lawyers. IT.Can promotes the development and discussion of IT law through annual conferences, other events and production of a bi-monthly newsletter. Information on past and future conferences and training events and PDF copies of the newsletter are available on the site. Details are given of IT.Can committees dealing with privacy, e-commerce and outsourcing. There are documents and links relevant to outsourcing law and practice negotiations.

Pretexting, legal ethics and social networking sites

Online guide to the ethical implications of using social networking sites to gather evidence written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published on in October 2009. The emphasis of this article is on United States law and includes links and references to legal materials which give "background on the current legal thinking about covert investigations and include recent publications addressing online pretexting and the privacy limits of social media".

Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cyber-Crime

The Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cyber-Crime is the website of the Group of Governmental Experts on Cyber Crime established by the Department of Legal Cooperation at the Organization of American States (OAS). The purpose of the group is to look at the issues surrounding cyber crime in OAS member countries, including national legislation, policies and practices, and identify ways of cooperating within the Inter-American system to combat these crimes.

Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society

Website of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, which is based at Harvard Law School. The Center researches the development of the internet and its norms and standards and has created a global network bringing together students, academics, practitioners, and members of the public. The site provides information about the Center's research, events and engagement programmes.


Website of eLawExchange a United States based web resource produced by Michael Arkfeld who is author of the treatise Arkfeld on Electronic Discovery and Evidence. The site is aimed at the elaw community and is concerned with the discovery of electronic information. The site includes a searchable database of e-discovery case law and rules from all US states, links to litigation related websites and a directory of individuals and companies that provide e-discovery services and consulting.

Internet Law Treatise

Website of the Internet Law Treatise, a collaborative online project looking at the law relating to the internet. The project is no longer active, but the site remains available for historical purposes. The ILT initiative involved attorneys and law students and is hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a membership organisation concerned with the civil liberties issues surrounding technology.

Global Network Initiative

Website of the Global Network Initiative, a coalition of ICT companies, human rights organisations, academics, investors and technology leaders whose purpose is to protect and advance freedom of expression and privacy in the ICT sector. The site has documents describing the Initiativeãs principles (based on existing international laws) and providing guidance for ICT companies on putting these principles into practice. A selection of FAQs provides further information on the Initiative and its work.

Indian Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) a student run journal published by the Law and Technology Committee of the Student Bar Association at the National Law School of India University. IJLT was founded in August 2004 to provide a forum for the discussion of ¶domestic and international legal issues on technology÷. The journal has articles, notes, commentary and features on current developments covering e-commerce, cyber crime, biotechnology, bioethics and intellectual property. The emphasis is on issues affecting developing nations.

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