Computer and Internet Law

Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law

The Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law (JSTL) is an electronic journal available in full-text (PDF) online. The journal is published twice a year. It features articles, notes and legal updates, publishing practical scholarship from experts in the areas of biotechnology, computers and communications, intellectual property, technology transfer and business law for technology-based companies. JSTL is edited by students at the Boston University School of Law examining all aspects of the relationship between science, technology and the law.

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is an online American law review, published since April 1995 by students at the University of Richmond School of Law. The journal focuses on the impact that computer-related and other emerging technologies have on the law, in the USA and internationally. The website presents full-text papers from volume 1, issue 1 (April 1995) onwards in HTML and from 2003 onwards in PDF. Recent articles have looked at electronic discovery, use of laptops in law school classrooms and ethical considerations for legal blogs.

Society for Computers and Law

The Society for Computers and Law ( SCL) exists to encourage and develop both IT for lawyers and IT related law. There is information about the Society including membership information, news items and a diary of events. Details are given of SCL specialist groups and their committee members. These deal with areas such as IT disputes, property and knowledge management. Selected articles from the SCL's journal Computers and Law can be viewed on the site. The site also provides access to web-based seminars (webinars) which are open to members and non-members of the SCL.

European Journal of Law and Technology

The European Journal of Law and Technology (EJLT) was formerly known as the Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT). It is an eLib funded project to provide a peer reviewed journal for legal academics. It is intended to be a "living" journal which is not merely text on screen but will include multimedia features and encourage debate among readers. Regular features include book reviews, software, news items and conference announcements. The first issue was published in January 1996. EJLT is also available on BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute).

Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (VJOLT) an electronic legal journal produced by students at the University of Virginia School of Law. VJOLT contains feature articles focused on the "issues arising from the intersection of law and technology". Issues are available back to 1997 with full-text articles presented in PDF format and abstracts provided in HTML. Articles can be browsed by date or topic including biotechnology, comparative law, emerging technologies, internet, privacy, telecommunications and patent law.

Intellectual Property and Technology Forum

Website of the Intellectual Property and Technology Forum (IPTF) a freely available legal publication produced by students at Boston College Law School. The Forum covers technology law and intellectual property issues including in-depth articles with related links and a commentary section providing opinion pieces, conference proceedings and speeches. The headlines section has shorter articles on focusing on current issues. All pieces are provided in full-text in HTML format. There are details of editors and staff and a link to the IPTF blog.

Harvard Journal of Law and Technology

The Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is published twice yearly by students at the Harvard Law School and is made freely available online back to 1988. Articles, case notes and book reviews are presented in full-text in PDF format covering the legal aspects of the Internet, e-commerce, intellectual property and telecommunications. Recent articles have looked at data mining and antitrust, patent law uniformity and regulating broadband internet access.The site gives details of JOLT's symposia and details of the editors and staff.


The SCRIPT-ed journal is published online by the AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law which is based in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh. The journal is published quarterly and focuses on law and technology issues providing peer reviewed articles, analysis and book reviews. Articles are available back to 2004. They can be viewed in full-text in a range of formats.


Website of LITIG (Legal IT Innovators Group) a not-for-profit group for senior professionals involved in all aspects of legal information technology within the UK. LITIG produce consultation papers and good practice guides relating to particular aspects of IT and these are made available in full-text as Word or PDF documents on the site. Topics currently include papers on e-billing , collaboration, electronic file management and email. The site also includes a list of members.

Duke Law and Technology Review

Website of the Duke Law and Technology Review (DLTR) an online journal of the Duke University School of Law in the United States. The journal contains articles, referred to as iBriefs, which are published regularly throughout the year. The DLTR focuses on new legal developments relating to subjects such as e-commerce, cyber crime, media and communications, intellectual property and biotechnology. The iBriefs are ordered by date and subject category and are available back to 2006 as abstracts or in full-text HTML or PDF articles.

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