Computer and Internet Law


Nominet is the registry for the “.uk”, “cymru” and “.wales” internet domains. It also offers a dispute resolution service. The Nominet website has a searchable register of domain names and provides information about registering a new name. There is also a database of domain name disputes decided by Nominet, together with procedural guidance for dispute resolution. News, reports and statistics are available on the site and there is a timeline showing the history of the internet.

Lawdit Solicitors

Lawdit is a UK solicitors’ firm specialising in internet and telecommunications law. Its website has a Reading Room with news items, short articles and case commentary on the subjects of IT, telecommunications and related areas of law.

3D Printing: The Manufactory of Knowledge

Online guide providing commentary and links to law articles, reports and news items focusing on the legal implications of 3D printing. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in March 2014 on Aspects of the law covered in the guide include product liability, forensics and firearms, patent and copyright law. The emphasis is on United States law throughout. Not all of the resources linked to are freely available.

Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review

Open Access version of the journal Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review which is made freely available online on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) website. The journal includes articles, case reports and book reviews focusing on digital evidence and electronic signatures from around the world. DEESLR is published annually and the complete archive from 2004 onwards is available to download from the site.

Cybercrime Research Centre

Website of the Cybercrime Research Centre, a unit established by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Poland to conduct research into cybercrime and related issues. The site has details of conferences organised by the Centre, links to relevant European legislation and a selection of articles on computer crime which are freely available to download from the site. The site can be viewed in Polish and English.

Cyberspace Law

Online guide to cyberspace law made freely available on the Legalmatch website. Legalmatch is a US based lawyer directory. The guide has annotated links to articles, reports, bibliographies, news sites and other guides to internet law. The links are organised under the following headings: commerce; cyber-crime; freedom of expression; privacy and intellectual property. The emphasis is on United States law throughout.

State cyberbullying laws: a brief review of state cyberbullying laws and policies

Electronic report on United States laws covering cyberbullying written by Sameer Hinduja who is Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University and Justin W. Patchin who is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The report was published by the Cyberbullying Research Center in January 2011. The term ‘cyberbullying or cyber-bullying’ refers refers to harassment and bullying among young people using electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers.

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section

Website maintained by the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the United States Department of Justice. This freely accessible site aims to be a clearinghouse for legal information relating to computer crime and intellectual property crime. The site provides information on cyber-crime, news updates highlighting recent additions to the site and links to recent documents. There are sections focusing on computer crime, intellectual property and electronic evidence.

Institute for Information Law

Web pages for a research facility based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam. The site explains the aims, work and fields of study undertaken at the Institute. Research teams explore the legal issues relating to intellectual property, industrial property, freedom of information and expression, privacy, media law, telecommunications, advertising and consumer law, and e-commerce on a private and commissioned basis. Research papers and other publications on these topics are published online on the site.

Mexican Trademark and Copyright Law as it applies to E-Commerce

An online research guide focusing on industrial property, trademark and copyright laws relating to electronic commerce in Mexico. The guide, prepared by Jose-Juan Mendez, a local partner of Baker & McKenzie in Mexico City, provides commentary supplemented by a selection of links to sources available on the internet. The author describes trademark and copyright measures in Mexican law and outlines the risk of using trademarks and copyrights in e-commerce and the Internet.

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