
Crime and Corruption Commission

The Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) in Queensland, Australia was formed in 2002 to "fight major crime and improve the integrity of the state public sector". The site includes a selection of full-text publications made freely available on the website as PDF documents. These include relevant legislation, research reports, speeches and conference papers and cover topics such as policing, criminal justice, youth, sexual offences and indigenous Australians.

Asian Law Centre

Website of the Asian Law Centre at the University of Melbourne. The Centre promotes the teaching of Asian law in Australia and seeks to increase the understanding of Australian law in Asia. The site provides information about courses, research, events, and details of work in progress at the Asian Law Centre. There is free access to the Centre's bibliographic database, Asian Law Online, and a list of research links which can be searched by country. There is access to the contents and abstracts of the Australian Journal of Asian Law, and to the Melbourne Asia Policy Papers

Practice Source

Practice Source is an Australian legal website edited by Sean Hocking and focusing on legal publishing and legal information management. Although coverage on this site is international the emphasis is on Australian legal information. There is coverage of legal news stories and general news from a range of sources. Other sections provide links to news and blog posts dealing with knowledge management, legal publishing and marketing issues.

Decisions of the Nineteenth Century Tasmanian Superior Courts

Collection of full-text decisions from the Tasmanian Superior Courts handed down between 1824 and 1842 and made freely available by AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) and Macquarie University in Australia. The project was undertaken by Bruce Kercher of Macquarie University, Australia who selected and edited cases from newspaper archives and court records. Cases can be searched and browsed by subject or date.

Courts Administration Authority for South Australia

Website of the Courts Administration Authority (CAA) the body providing administration services to the state courts in South Australia. The site gives background information to the role and functions of the various South Australia courts including the Supreme Court, District Court, Magistrates Court, Environment, Resources and Development Court, Youth Court, Coroner's Court, Industrial Relations Court and Drug Court. Full text judgements, sentencing remarks and case lists are also provided.

Federal Court of Australia

Official website of the Federal Court of Australia. The site provides background information about the Court and its jurisdiction (including admiralty jurisdiction) and links to the relevant statutes. Details of the Court's judges are given on the site and there are links to Court lists and sittings and Federal Court rules and regulations. There is practical information about applying to the Court, the mediation work carried out by the Court, native title proceedings, anti-discrimination law, bankruptcy and information for witnesses.

Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration

The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) is a research and education institute associated with Monash University. The AIJA provides courses to the legal profession focusing on court administration and judicial systems. The site gives information about the work of the Institute including council members, standing committees, current research projects and conference and seminar programmes. A list of current publications is included, and AIJA News is available in full text online.

ACT Law Society

Website of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Law Society, a professional organisation based in Canberra, Australia. The site includes a directory of members, annual reports and links to legislation relating to the legal profession in ACT. There is also information aimed at the public covering specific areas of law, such as setting up a business, relationship breakdown and making a complaint against a solicitor. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Law Society of the Northern Territory

Website of the Law Society of the Northern Territory in Australia. The Society was formed in 1968 and regulates the work of legal professionals in the Northern Territory. The site includes background information covering the history, work and officers of the society. There is information aimed at the general public such as the society's complaints procedure (including a complaint form in PDF) and details about the annual Law Week. Professional information for the Society's members covers Continuing Legal Education and membership.

Law Society of Tasmania

Website of the Law Society of Tasmania, a regulatory and representative body for the legal profession in Tasmania. Details of the Society's history, committees and organisation are available on the website. There is information about becoming a lawyer in Tasmania and a directory of Tasmanian law firms. Press releases and case studies focus on the Society's work reforming the law relating to workers' compensation. Part of the site is restricted to members.

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